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“Dude! You can’t just stay down there and admire the view! What the hell? You scared the crap out of me!”
“Uhm…”, Brett huffed, too stunned and busy taking in air to form a proper response yet. 
“Don’t drown on me, man!”, Eddy ordered, features contorted in dismay as his fast breathing broke down the adrenaline pumping through his system.
“Sorry…”, Brett mumbled when he finally gained his composure again. 
“What were you doing anyway? You looked like you saw a mermaid or something!”
How was Brett going to explain that Eddy couldn’t be closer to the truth without being emitted to a psychiatric ward? He shook his head. 
“Couldn’t believe your evil soul pulling me under water like this.”
“You pressed me down first!”
“Because you attacked me, you sore loser!”, Brett pointed a finger at the other, “And by the way, I’m not gonna go down that quickly. You should know this after being defeated by my extraordinary speed”, Brett’s tsked and then, they both blinked at each other, an incredulous laugh slowly breaking out until they threw their heads back and held their naked bellies under water while trying not to choke.

“But I gotta say…”, Eddy chuckled after a while, “... that was quite a race, mate. Don’t think I’ve lost like this in a while.”
“Good for your character, to lose sometimes, you know”, Brett remarked with an amused glint in his eyes.
“Maybe it's good preparation for tomorrow.”

Just a few days ago, Brett would have raised an eyebrow at him, saying that Eddy couldn’t be serious, that there was no way he stood a chance against the prodigy.
However, Eddy had told and shown him so many times that his insecurities didn’t reflect reality. And not only him, but the conductors and his peers had eagerly shown admiration here and there. 
Tomorrow’s competition was going to be a fierce one, its outcome uncertain and Brett was so ready to give it his all and play the best he could!
After all, he owed Eddy this much, didn’t he?

“Hmm?”, Eddy made, eyes almost shut as he floated around with ease.
“I’m real glad I’ve met you here, you know?”
Now, Eddy’s tired expression changed, soft gaze on Brett earnest, open and curious.
“I’m real glad you’re my opponent too, as much as I hate this word. I can’t imagine anyone else motivating and inspiring me like you do.”

Despite having fallen in love with Eddy in the process, Brett meant it. Meeting Eddy had changed him in many ways, be it on a professional level by learning how to deal with various problems while perfecting his craft, or on a personal level too. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been at a camp or any sort of gathering where he hadn’t spent his time in large groups, throwing jokes left and right and having a drink or two most nights and he was, to his surprise, totally fine with it. It felt good, natural and despite still liking lots of company and his friends, there was a quality and depth in their conversations and the time they spent which elevated Brett and which he hadn’t experienced much before, if ever.

And Brett was just about to say that, starting a sentence with “And all the advice you gave me…”, which trailed off into nonsensical mumbling and eventually went mute when Eddy swam closer, moonlight glinting in his iris until Brett’s breath hitched and the taller being only centimeters away, a hand sloshing around, finding Brett’s and holding it as all sorts of alarm bells in various dissonant pitches went off in Brett’s head, blaring We’re freaking naked why you’re coming so close?!? 
“I can’t even begin to describe in how many ways you’ve changed me during the last, well, not even a week!”, Eddy’s voice miraculously rang through the cacophony only Brett could hear.
“For starters, I would have never done what we’re doing right now.”
Being NAKED in the ocean you mean?, Brett’s panic stricken brain went, praying for some distance while his body couldn’t move a centimeter.
“And I’m still unsure if me not caring so much about winning tomorrow anymore is a good thing or not, but I sure as hell feel so much lighter…. the lightest I ever have, I dare to say.”
Why, oh why, did Eddy’s lips have to glitter like this so up close? Brett gulped several times but all it did was make his throat drier from the salt. 
“Uh.. uhm…”, he tried nonetheless. 
“What I want to say is, same goes for me! I’m really glad I get know you.” 

The squeeze of his hand and Eddy’s closeness threatened to make Brett sink down like a stone and thus, he did the one thing his muscles could come up with on the spot: bail!

One breath and Brett was under water, diving fast, away from all the beauty, all the temptation dragging him into his inevitable doom if he would let his guard down for just a second! Oh, how much he wanted to draw that hand to him which had so softly held his! How much he wanted to lean forward and taste those glistening lips! How much he yearned for letting their bodies get even closer… 
And that was why he had to do the exact opposite of all this! Had to get away and swim to shore as fast as he could and finally put on some clothing again so that they could move around each other without the danger of Brett spontaneously bursting into flames!

Yeah, this had most likely been the worst idea Brett had ever had and if he could bite half-an-hour-ago-Brett’s head off, he would!

Brett heard the culprit responsible for his current non-functioning state swim closer while yelling his name. He increased his speed, finally reached the rocks with burning limbs and stumbled towards his pile, arms already reaching out for his much needed glasses and boxers.
“Brett! What the fuck?”, Eddy huffed behind him and Brett had to remind himself to not turn around for the life of his. 
“Cold”, Brett murmured under his breath.
“Come again?”

And this was the point where Brett’s fasade crumbled and blew up entirely, not able to withstand the madness his stupid, careless, adventurous and provocative ass had thrown him in.
“Had to get some freaking pants on, for God’s sake!”, Brett whirled around and thank the heavens Eddy had his own trousers on by now. 
Eddy blinked. “Huh?”
“Bro! You can’t just swim this close to me when we’re both naked in the sea!”
“Oh…”, Eddy immediately dropped his head and even in the dim light, the redness tinting his face was striking. 
“I know we’re both dudes, but still…”
“Sorry, I… I kinda forgot about it.”
The sting in Brett’s belly region made him flinch. 
“It’s fine.”
It wasn’t. Eddy had forgotten while Brett had died a thousand deaths meanwhile? No way there was even the slightest chance of him reciprocating anything! Cole could play cupid all he wanted, there was simply no way.
“Nah, Brett”, Eddy shook his head, spraying droplets around like a wet poodle, “It’s not. I’m so sorry I made you uncomfortable.”
“It’s not about that”, Brett said before he could think and thus destroyed his chance to not having to explain himself. 
And of course, a confused frown appeared between Eddy’s brows as he grabbed his shirt. “No? Didn’t you just say…”
“Uhm… I mean, it kinda is, but it’s not about you… I mean, it was my idea in the first place.”
“Exactly! That’s why I thought you didn’t care about distance and stuff.”
Stab after stab as Eddy laid out everything like he was talking about the weather. It would be a miracle if Brett didn’t have to be delivered into a hospital after tonight. 
Eddy brushed his wet hair back. “Anyway, I’m sorry I forgot. And you were right!”

His smile was contagious, wiping away all fear and lingering stab pains. 
“This was so much fun! Thank you, Brett!”
Brett grinned back. “Glad you liked stepping out of your comfort zone.”

A/N: Hi guys, sorry again for the sparce uploads the last few weeks 🙈. We’re flying back to my home country as I’m finishing up this chapter (sadly🥲) and the uploads should go back to my regular schedule again, with emphasis on SHOULD, if I survive jetlag and the fact that delicious and affordable food and bubble tea is out of reach on the other side of the planet for the time being 😭😭😭! Thank you so much for your patience and your wishes during the earthquake and I wish you all the best and God’s blessing!
Love, author-san

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