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He had to give Angelica that: She did know her way around uncomplicated establishments with a twist and affordable drinks in a huge place like Sydney. The bar she brought them to was located on a rooftop overlooking the harbor and parts of the city. It wasn’t the kind where only people in suits and big wallets were allowed entry. The artsy furnishing, consisting of wooden frames placed around seating booths which climbing plants growing red flowers had claimed possession of, was the first thing that caught Brett’s eye. The plants helped cooling down the rooftop a bit and the evening breeze from the sea did its part, letting the guests forget the heat of the Australian summer for a moment. 

“This place is awesome!”, Nathan cheered and slumped down on one of the many outdoor sofas. 
“Right?”, Angelica beamed, “We come here all the time, if we’re not practicing, that is.”
“Which means always?”, Brett quipped, earning laughter from the group. 
“Careful, Brett Yang, otherwise I demand compensation consisting of a drink”, she tsked while simultaneously taking orders from everyone so they wouldn’t swamp the bar. 
Brett sat down next to Eddy on an already cramped sofa. “Sorry, no can do. Not enough money.” 
“He spends it all on bubble tea, that’s why”, Cole had to comment, eliciting more cheers. 

This was fun. This was good! It was exactly what Brett needed to relax and forget the major thing he’d found out about his identity only hours ago. He downed his beer faster than Nathan and was quick to order a second one while the musicians got louder and funnier as the moon rose above them. Eddy was deep in a conversation with a violist Brett couldn’t recall the name of, his first, half emptied glass gently sloshing around in his hand. Brett sighed contently and took another big gulp.

“Oh, hey Katie.”
Was it the alcohol or the chill atmosphere that Brett didn’t break out in cold sweat when she appeared, sitting down on the armrest just next to Brett?
“Pretty cool here, no?”
“Yeah”, he agreed, “You come here often?”
“You heard Angelica. We’re usually the same bunch minus you Queenslanders.”
“Makes sense”, he sniggered. He probably wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for what was circulating in his system. 
“It’s a bit crowded though”, she suddenly meant, “Wanna join me by the railing over there? The view is awesome!”

Oh, here they were. Delayed, but ear piercing nonetheless: alarm bells signaling danger. Brett’s panicked gaze glued itself on Cole sipping his drink opposite of him and giving Brett a meaningful look, lifted eyebrows screaming “Talk to her!” included.

Shit! Was that it? Did he really have to? Images of that one fateful prom night and unwanted kisses followed by vengeful stares flashed before his inner eye. On the other hand, this was his chance to get this matter out of the way and he’d have an unburdened mind for the competition tomorrow. Well, as unburdened an used-to-be-straight-but-not-so-straight-anymore kinda guy could be. 

So he manned up, straightened his shoulders a bit and downed the rest of his drink for courage gaining purposes. 

“Uhm, sure, Katie. There, you said?”
The joy glittering in her eyes made him almost back down. 
“Yes!” She took Brett’s hand, pulled him up with impressive strength for such a petite girl and a few seconds later, they were standing by the edge, taking in the nighttime view. 

A breathy “Wow” slipped out of Brett’s mouth. 
“Right? It’s actually one of my favourite spots of the city.”
“This really is something else…”

He would have stayed quiet for a moment, enjoyed this incredible sight, but her hand slipped into his without a warning and gave him a soft squeeze. 
“Ehm”, he cleared his throat, “Katie… listen…”
“Brett, you know that you’re an incredible violinist?”
Another press of her warm, small hand. In a different universe, she would have been a real nice girl. Smart, hardworking, talented, funny, cute. But in this one, she wasn’t for him. 
“Uhm, thank you, Katie, but…”
“I like your playing a lot. It’s so expressive and sweet. I think it really suits your personality.”
How much of his personality had she discovered over the what, like ten sentences they’d spoken since they’d met? 
“Okay? Uh, thanks, I guess. But listen…”
“I really admire the width of your vibrato. Maybe you can teach me?”
Had she always had the habit of cutting other people off? Brett frowned, annoyance not far away. 
“Listen, Katie-”
“Maybe after the competition. I mean, there are two weeks left. Way too short, but I’m sure we’ll find some time-”

“Katie!”, Brett exclaimed, his by now cold eyes on her surprised expression. If this was what Brett needed to finally speak up, so be it!
“I’m sorry, but this isn’t gonna work.”
Her face fell as her arm pulled away. Brett felt the nasty sting of guilt piercing his stomach and took a step back, increasing the distance between them. 
“What?”, she breathed.
“I’m very sorry, Katie, but I’m not… I’m not interested in you in this way.”
Katie looked down on her slightly shaking hands. Oh how Brett despised doing that, disappointing her, hurting her despite knowing it was the right thing to do. 
“Are you… how did you know?”, she stuttered, still avoiding his gaze.
“Well, it was kinda obvious”, he said, thinking mentioning Angelica’s or Cole’s name might be a bad idea, “And I don’t want to lead you on when I don’t feel this way for you.”
Katie swallowed hard. Brett could see her eyelids trembling and getting moist quickly in spite of the little light illuminating their features. He rubbed his belly, feeling like he’d been punched. 

“Uhm”, she made shakily after a short, loaded while, “Thank you, for being honest. Guess I made a fool out of myself, huh.”
Not as big of a fool as I am, Brett thought bitterly, but instead said, “You didn’t. Happens to us all.”
She glanced up at him, the yet unshed tears glinting in her blue eyes and all of a sudden, Brett kind of wished he could fall for her, making her and his life easier. Why not a nice, lovely girl like Katie? Why did he have to be in love with a guy he could never confess to without driving him away?
“To you too?”, she asked quietly. 
“Uhm…”, Brett scratched the back of his head, “It’s not unfamiliar territory for me, but I’m really sorry I’m not… you know.”
She shook her head with a sad snigger. “It’s fine, Brett. Thanks again for telling me before I did anything stupid. That’s one of the things I like about you, actually.”
The hurt in her smile was clear when their eyes met, “Your honesty.”

Brett tried to lift the corners of his mouth in return. “You’re a very nice person, you know. I’m just not…”
“I get it”, she said and laid a hand on his forearm, “It’s fine. Really. I hope we can still hang out?”
“O… of course!”, Brett replied and really meant it. He was sure she was a wonderful person to be with when he wasn’t her love interest anymore. 
“Cool!”, Katie blinked, looking like she’d caught herself to Brett’s great relief. This went fine, didn’t it? No screaming, angry girl, punching Brett’s chest repeatedly or kicking his guts or storming off with streaming tears in best love drama manner was a win in Brett’s book.
“I guess I’ll join the others then. You wanna come back too?”
Brett looked around and saw Eddy jumping to his feet, head turned towards Brett. “I think I’m gonna enjoy the view for a bit longer.”
“Alright. See you around?”
This time, the smile he shot her wasn’t forced in any way when he said, “Yeah, see you around.”

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry for the late upload again 😭! Didn't make it in time because of a huge family thing. I'll also be visiting relatives in a distant land for a month, so my upload schedule might be all over the place for the next four weeks. I try to maintain consistency, but I can't promise anything. Please bear with me 🙏 and as always, thanks so much for reading, starring and commenting. It means the world! ❤️
Love, Author-san

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