Uploads for the next month...

188 11 15

Hi guys!

As some of you know, I'm currently visiting my relatives in a land far far away from where I live and it's quite intense and wonderful 🥹 (🧋(obvious) hint for everyone wondering where I am 😉). That's why I wanted to drop a quick note by saying that the uploads for the next four weeks are gonna be quite irregular, meaning I'm gonna post whenever a new chapter's ready and won't try so hard to follow my normal schedule during this time. I don't wanna rush things when I clearly have less time and mess up the flow of the story.
Thanks for your understanding 🙏 and as always, for all your stars, reads and comments🥰! More often than not, they really make my day! Wish you all a wonderful and blessed time, wherever you are!

Love, Author-san ❤️

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