𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓑𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓭

Start from the beginning

Blair sighed "He's being vague about the future." The future- did this girl just say the future.

"Blair, the man has been lying to you about his identity since you met him. It's entirely too soon to be planning the rest of your lives."

"But too soon to plan the rest of the year, it's the season of flings. Tennis pros and townies, I'm his secret summer shame."

"With all due respect, you're more of a Kate Middleton than a Olivia Hunt." I said with a laugh, Blair Waldorf could never be a fling; she's a full time commitment.

I hear Blair groan, it's a hundred percent being accompanied with a pouty face "So then what do I do? I need him to stick around.

"Be the sweet, loving, funny Blair." I said "Not the self-absorbed, title obsessed, crazy version of Blair." If she showed Marcus the side of Blair I see everyday then he won't be vague anymore.

"That's terrible advice! If I wanted to hear this be yourself crap, I would've just called Serena."

"Now, Blair-"

Before I could finish my sentence, she cut me off. "This is a Lord we're talking about, not one of these narcissistic guys that we're used to over here. I need to think big and impress him."

"And you can still do that without being someone you're not." I argue, besides he's not cute enough for her to change herself.

Blair was silent for a moment, hopefully she's taking what I said to heart and will listen. "I have the perfect idea, we're going to ride to the city together."

Okay, so she didn't listen to a single thing I said "Weren't we supposed to be going home together?"

"We were, but plans have changed and I have to go swoon a Lord." She said, and with that she hung up the phone.

I slammed my phone shut "He's a lord." I mimic Blair, she's going to drive me insane.


I reclined against the limo seats, thanks to Blair ditching me and Serena taking the jitney, I now have to ride back home with Chuck and Nate. "Marcus and I have a squash match, later today." Chuck announced, Nate and I looked at each other with furrowed brows.

"No offense, but don't you think you're a little out matched?" Nate asked, Chuck's a little more than outmatched.

"At squash?" Chuck asked, Nate shook his head. "I've been playing against my father since the eighth grade, how good could Marcus be?"

"He means 'As a guy', idiot." I corrected, we know he's a great squash player but he doesn't have what Marcus has.

Nate pointed to me "Blair wants to be a princess, and your greatest achievement is owning part of a burlesque club." He said.

"Which is why I have to get to know him. See no one's that perfect, once I get him out the way, then I'll have a clear shot at Blair." Chuck revealed, I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, you know it's love when you start talking like an assassin." Nate joked, I reached over and playfully smacked his thigh.

"Stop encouraging him." I reprimanded.

"You both are just jealous of my new best friend."

"Well, I have been hoping someone would tag in for a while." Nate joked, they both turned to me.

"What? I've been trying to get rid of you for the last seventeen years."- We all laughed- "But in all seriousness, from what Blair has told me, Marcus is a harmless puppy."

Beautiful - Nate ArchibaldWhere stories live. Discover now