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(n.) freedom,liberty

Grey was never Athena's favorite color; its dark ambiance always threw her off, especially now, more than ever. Locked in this cell, which seemed to only contain this color, her days consisted of staring at the ceiling.

Lying on her bed, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud bang and yelling outside. Lazily, she raised her head but immediately placed it back on the pillow. It was probably just another teenager attempting to escape these ridiculous cells, she thought to herself. Bored, she decided to take a quick nap when her door was forcefully opened. Panicked, she got to her feet and turned towards the cell door.

Standing there was a guard, holding one of his electronic weapons. "Do not resist," the man said with a heated look in his eyes. With a quick glance at his uniform, Athena could tell that he had recently had a less than peaceful encounter with someone else. "I was not planning on it," she replied calmly while slowly raising her hands above her head. It seemed as if the guard was relieved to not have another confrontation.

It's not like she did not expect this to happen. She was even surprised that it had not happened sooner, considering she turned 18 two weeks ago. Dragged outside, she lifted her head to see countless other prisoners being yanked out of their cells. Confused, she asked herself aloud, "Is everyone getting executed at the same time?" which seemed to be a stupid question, considering the guard let out a muffled laugh. "No, not that I would mind that, to be completely honest."

His response caused her to raise her eyebrows, questioning whether she was in safe hands or not. She continued to be dragged down the hall when she was suddenly stopped at the end of a long line of people. There was still a lot of loud noise around her, which had Athena wishing her hands were free so that she could cover her ears. She had never been a fan of loud noises. 

The closer she got to whatever she was standing in line for, the more agitated she became. The only thing that provided her some sort of comfort was the fact that she got the confirmation that she was not dying anytime soon.

After a while, the guard released her from her cuffs and put a wristband on her arm. This caused her to gasp because it felt as if thousands of needles were being plunged into her arm. However, she did not get enough time to worry about the pain because she was aggressively shoved into a seat. 

Suddenly, the girl heard the noise of doors shutting loudly. Looking around, she realized there were plenty of other young prisoners stuck in the same seats as her . To her left was a pretty girl with long brown hair and glittery green eyes.

She looked familiar, yet Athena could not pinpoint where she knew her from. Realizing that the girl caught her staring, Athena put on a smile and introduced herself; "Hi, I'm Athena." She received a smile back, and the girl introduced herself as Octavia. Suddenly, an all-too-familiar but unpleasant voice was heard.

 "Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your , it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."


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