Start from the beginning

"Yooo, you look hot!" Missy's exclamation broke through Eden's thoughts, followed by Sasha in the passenger seat giving her a wolf whistle as she opened the car door.

"Oh shut up you losers," Eden joked back, all the girls in the car laughing along.

"Here we got you a drink, if you don't like it I'll have it or something," Amerie, one of the other girls in the group, said, smiling.

"Aw, thanks Am. Where's Harps?" Eden asked concerned, she had already texted the girl this morning but she didn't answer.

"Who cares! Flakey bitch ignored our texts so she's not getting picked up," Missy shouted from the driver's seat, turning the music up louder.

𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩

After an eventful drive to the school where Amerie threw coffee at some private school dickheads, they finally arrived at Heartly High, aka hell.

"I forgot how much I hated it here," Sasha spoke, looking at the three girls around her.

"Honey, we're home," Amerie joked, connecting arms with the three girls.

"Yeah, but still no Harps," Sasha spoke, bringing the mood down. As the three girls began walking into the entrance of the school, they quickly spotted Spider, Dusty, and Ant.

"You actually gonna speak to him this year?" Missy asked Amerie, giving her a knowing look. All of the girls knew that Amerie would never speak to him.

"You know I can put in a good word for you," Eden told her, wrapping her arm around Amerie's shoulder, pulling her closer.

"Nah, playing it cool," Amerie told her, smiling.

"Okay then, I'll catch up with you all later," Eden told the girls as she ran over to Spider, Dusty, and Ant. Ant was the first one to quickly embrace her in a hug before Spider pulled her in, keeping her comfortably rested between his arms, resting his chin on her head.

"Hey Amerie, how were your holidays?" Dusty asked, turning around to stop and ask her. Eden turned around to look at Spider with a shit-eating grin on her face, but Spider was just talking to Ant. She gave him a small elbow in the stomach, signaling for him to watch what she was seeing.

"Yeah, fine," Amerie told him. Eden could tell that the girl was trying to keep her cool, but she could hear her squeal as she ran to catch back up with Missy and Sasha.

"What was that about?" Eden asked teasingly.

"Just shut up, Eden. God, do you ever," Dusty replied, clearly annoyed at her attempt at being funny.

Eden's smile dropped when he said this; she was only trying to be funny, and it was clearly a joke. "Yeah, whatever, Dusty," the girl told him, hitting him slightly as she pushed past him.

"Missy, wait up!" Eden shouted, jogging slightly to catch up to the group of girls.

When Eden was out of earshot, Spider pushed Dusty slightly, "What the fuck are you saying that to Eden for, man? She was only joking with you."

"Yeah, well, it wasn't funny," Dusty told Spider, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, guys, let's just get in, the bell's about to go," Ant said, trying to break the tension between the two boys.

The bell rang, and everyone started making their way toward the different entrances of the school when some girl ran out into the courtyard.

"Oi! There's a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell, it's called the incest map!" The chatter began to get louder, and the four girls looked at each other. Missy grabbed Sasha's hand and began pulling her toward the stairwell; Eden went to do the same with Amerie but noticed Amerie stood almost frozen.

"You coming, Ams?" Eden asked, holding out her hand, wanting to see this thing.

"Y-Yeah," Amerie replied, putting her hand in Eden's and moving toward the stairwell.

As everyone rushed into the stairwell and was trying to push through to get a view of the sex map, Eden bumped into the boys again, trying her best to ignore them, but Spider wrapped his arms around her. She rolled her eyes but just accepted it. Eden looked around the map more to find her name and eventually found it.

The girl's name was only connected to a few people, which wasn't that bad, but one of the names that stood out was Spider's.

"Whoa, you two hooked up, I knew it, bro!" Ant shouted to the two of them, going to dap Spider up. Eden scoffed, making her way out of the stairwell, pushing past everyone, but she could hear Spider shouting her name behind her.

"Eden, wait—"

"No! What the actual fuck, Spider? Have you been telling people we hooked up? Because we haven't," Eden shouted at him. The two of them had been friends since they were children, but they had never done anything like that.

After Eden shouted at him, he went silent. "Well, then there's my answer, I guess," she looked at him disappointedly before storming off toward the bathroom. Before she even reached the bathroom there was a tannoy announcing an assembly.

"fuck me."

note!!! <3
i am dead 1206 words ik most of its script but still my gosh

anyway!!! first chapter and so happy i am currently making edit on tiktok if you want to check those out (you don't need to) but anyways have a good day x

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