I lean close,letting him get a good look at my face.

"She fucking wanted me.Not my fault that your girl doesn't want you"

I sigh and straighten.He does think his lies will work infront of me.

What he doesn't know is that the minute i'll claim her,she won't be able to think of anyone else.

I will devour her from the inside out,until every intake of breathe will only stroke the inferno I've created inside her.Like oxygen feeding a fire,i will consume every inch of her sweet little body until she will think of nothing else but how to get me deeper inside of her.

She'll fear at me first,but that fear will only ignite her.

Next to me is a tray of utensils lined up neatly.Without looking away i grab the first tool my hand lands on.

A serrated screwdriver.Specially made for torturing.The military uses shit like this,unbeknownst to the public.

His eyes widen comically when he catches the sight of the screwdriver.

I smile."Haven't gotten to use this yet"I observe,twisting the screwdriver and giving us both a good view of each sharp point.Once this sucker goes in,it's going to hurt even worse taking it out.

I can't fucking wait

"Bro let's talk about this.That girl is not worth you killing me over.Do you realize what my family will do to you?To her?"

He'll pee the moment he will get to know that I,myself is the Italian mafia king.

"Do you really think i was going to kill just you?"I volley back quirking a brow to show how unimpressed I'm with his warning.

His face turns beet red,like the apples Ms.Rieve used to pluck for me from the orchards as a kid.

Threats spill from his mouth,fueled by rage from his family's untimely fate.

"You're doing this because i almost fucked a girl!?I didn't even fucking know she was yours"He bellows,veins popping from his forehead.

Not a pretty sight.

In response,I stab the screwdriver straight into his stomach.He gapes at me,his mouth parted in shock.A moment passes,and then he's coughing up blood.An array of emotions filter through his eyes.

Pretty sure I see the five stages of grief in there,too.

I bend down and grit out through my teeth"What you and every sad motherfucker that even looks in her direction will learn is no one is safe when it comes to her.I don't care if you only breathed in her direction the wrong way,you will fucking die"

I said loud enough to be heared by all the mens standing there stiffly.

"You're fucking crazy"He chokes out,looking down at the screwdriver sticking out of his abdomen in disbelief.Definitely hit vital organs this time.

Slowly i pull the screwdriver out,the suctioning noise quiet against the backdrop of his scream.

The unbridled anger pulsating through me is relentless-unstoppable.And the image of his hand on her body, trying to force himself on her.It all fuels the violent storm in my head.I plunge the screwdriver back in when image flickers of her face.Crying helplessly.
And soon.
I rip out the screwdriver and take a deep breathe.
My temper got the best out of me.I'm not usually a reactive person,but I've already accepted the fact that my babydoll brings out new feelings in me,too.

"You didn't hurt Eveline"I observe,waiting for the answer i know he'll give.He isn't desperate enough yet-scared enough.He's still attempting to put on a false bravado act and die with dignity.But that will change very soon.

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