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Eveline's pov

I was waiting to hit the floor but it never happen instead two muscular arms sneaked through my waist holding me protectively

I looked up to find none other than devil itself.It was the second time his face is this much closer to mine.The first one i don't want to remember because it was an awakened encounter with him were i lost my first kiss also

He was well,different from all others.He is handsome like a Greek god,no doubts why girls drool over him and can go at any extent to get a slight attention from him.He is fair.His unfathomable, green with a mint of blue eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face.His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough.His face has that faraway look in it, which cannot be describe in words.Often i can see a hint of pain in his sparkling eyes,which could disappear as suddenly it emerged.

He clears his throat and then i came back to sense only to see him smirking.I mentally smacked my head for drooling over him.I detached myself from him and look anywhere but him

I'm co-ming t-o you o-nly!Oh god!Why I'm stuttering!

"And why so?"He asked leaning on the door looking extremely sexy


No!I-I mean nothing!Now no more taunting pixie!

"Because uh- I don't have any clothes!So i need to buy one!"I said in one go

"What's the use of clothes when you are fit in my shirt"He said with a smirk

I'm sure until now my cheeks have been reddend as a tomato

"No!I'm noy!"I blurted out annoyingly

Oh!Then you can stay naked aswell.I've no issue

Shut up!Are you telling- oh why I'm asking you.I passed move him only to collide on his chest with a strong pull

"Hey what are you doing!I yelled

He took out a card from his pocket and handed it to me

Go and buy whatever you want from the mall but be back until six and John,my driver will be with you

But why mall!I can go in any shop nearby

No!Either go in any mall or stay back at home wearing my shirt or nothing

"No way!Okay i'll go"I said taking the card and in the way to go out of the room when again he pulled me back on his chest

"Now what!"I groan in frustration

"I'm not completed yet!"He said and again started

John will always be with you.Don't go anywhere except him or you can get lost in this big city of Italy.And don't dare to pull any stupid stunt of run away coz i own this whole city!Got it!

I oblique like a child not bcz i agrees with him but want to get rid from here.So as soon as he left my hand i stormed out of the room

I ran out to see Ms.Rieve instructing a maid something and there were many clothes lying there which looks like of that devil

I was going to get ready but thought about what would i wore as i don't have any clothes but remembers about the clothes I'm wearing when I've camed here.I ran to Ms.Rieve to ask her about my clothes and she handed me the one from that bunch of that clothes after finding a bit.

Ms.Rieve asks me what happens so i narrate her everything and she told me to be careful bcz it was the first time I'm going in any mall!

I nodded and went to the room and luckily the devil wasn't there so i quickly changed in my old attire

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