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Ace's pov
Triggering Scene

"Let me the fuck go,you fucking prick.You think I'm someone to mess with?Do you have any fucking idea who I'm?"

His mouth is going to be stapled shut in point two seconds if he keeps running it,that i do know.I relay this to him,and he answers with a hyena laugh.

I turn and clock the fucker in the mouth,all the while keeping my cavallo strong.

Colourful words flow,but they're no brighter than the blood pouring out with them.

Pretty boy isn't so pretty now.

He's going to experience a lot worse once i get back to my place.
He laid his mouth and hands on my girl,and there are consequences for mistakes like that.

He woke up about five minutes when my men dragged him into my basement which is on the west wing of my mansion,far away from the any chaos as workers are even prohibited in this area.

He's running his mouth since the moment he awoke and throwing empty threats like bulltes,but instead,they're paper in the wind.None of them make an impact.In fact,they don't land anywhere near me.

It's the mention of Eveline,that sends me into a murderous rage.
"Come on,man.Are you this worked over a piece of ass?Her voice may be cut out for porn,and her pussy tight as fuck,but shit,you can find that in other bitches too.I've fucked plenty of them"

What was going to be a fairly slow death is now going to be the slowest death to ever happen since the dawn of humanity.

It was bad enough that he spoke of my girl in such a disgusting manner,but then he went and topped it off by implying Eveline isn't anything special.

She's the first of her kind to be exist,and there will never be another like her.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way.I can knock your ass out,or you can be a good little bitch and stay still"I said leaning on my chair

His bloody mouth forms around the word fuck,and it doesn't take a genius to know what word is going to come out next.I punch him in the nose before he can get the first syllable out.

The crunch of bone beneath my bone is nearly orgasmic.By the time I'm pulling my fist away;blood is squirting from his broken nose.He spits,and a tooth flies out of his mouth onto my floor.

I'm going to shove my foot up his ass just for that.

He squirms like a worm on a hook,and i can tell by the panicked look on his face that he has that feeling.The sinking feeling that his life is balancing on the edge,and I'm about to fucking Sparta kick him off.

Despite his struggles,I wrangle him on the surgical table,and systemically untie specific ropes so i can strap him on the table while simultaneously keeping him immobile.

"Look,whatever my family did,we can work out a deal"He negotiates,his words a little grabled and misshapen from his broken teeth.His nose has already swollen and bruised,along with his spilt,puffy lips.He looks as if he went five rounds in a boxing match with his hand tied behind his back.

"I don't have any connections with your family"I say calmly"At least not until now"

He thinks I'm behind him for his family deeds because they are induge in mafia works but I'm have no grudge against his family as they haven't mess with me yet.

He's silent for a beat,staring at me incredulously as his brain processes that I'm not an enemy of him.

"Then why the fuck you are doing this?Because of that fucking girl?"He asks,his voice hysetric.

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