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Ace's pov

"What punishment should i give you my doll"I asked her huskily by bending to her level

She flinched by my words making my smirk go wider on her reaction

"Se-see we c-can ta-talk!"She said with her stuttering voice while going backwards until her back got contact with the marvelled wall.

I walked towards her until there isn't any gap between us while putting my amrs in either side,caging her in between

"What do you wanna talk doll"I asked while staring at her plump lips which she is keep biting on every ten seconds

She tried to push me with all her might but when fails,took a deep breather and said in go
"See,actually my friends has arrived all of a sudden and forced me to have a meal with them and i can't deny to them after there so much pleadings so i agreed which cause me to come late"

I raised my brow as anger flood in my body remembering the video but i calmed myself and asked
"Was it include romancing also while you have a husband in your home?"

Her eyes widened but she still lied which fuels my anger

"Then what it is"I asked her by showing her the video in which she is in any fucking guy's arm but before she could answer my phone rang making me divert my attention to the phone where the caller id showing Simon

I last glanced at her before walking towards the hallway while answering the phone

"Boss i get to know that Xander has fixed the date from monday to the day after tomorrow for their meeting with the Russians

I clenched my fist and asked calmly
"And what's the reason behind it"

"I don't know boss but i guess he suspect something"He said

"Get the jet ready we're heading Russia tomorrow morning"I completed

"Ok boss"He said before disconnecting the call

I ruffled my hair in frustration and went to my room to witness the most erotic scene

There stood my baby doll with only a towel been wrapped around her tiny body which instantly turned the beast inside me

My eyes darkened while scanning her body like how will she look beneath me when she turned around and her gaze met mine

She stared at me confusingly and the next moment her eyes widen as realization hit her and she shouted on top of her voice which may have shake the mansion but i stood still more leaning on the door with arms crossed and a smirk on my face which grows more after seeing her running towards the closet but before she could i would already have her in my arms,caged

"Leave me you pervet!"She shouted on top of her voice making me leaned more on her

"There is no escape my doll"I said with my lips slightly brushing hers

She started pushing me much more hardly but fails miserably.I smirk at her and she without any second thought tries to kick me there but before she could i trapped her legs with mine

"Don't use any tectis second time doll"I said leaning in more when she started scratching my back but it don't effect me instead i held both of her hand above her head with my one hand while the other one encircling around her waist

She gasps on the sudden reaction

Water dripping from her hair and making its way to the delicate skin of her neck proceeding further and vanishing under the towel just above her bossom.

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