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Ace's pov
I frustadely answer the call which was keep ringing from past 5mins disturbing my sweet moments with my babydoll

It was Simon.I was about to shout on him but what he said made my hlood boil.

Without wasting a sec i headed towards the west wing which is the basement or you can say toucher room for my dear enemies

As i went inside a slight smirk appears on my face seeing the state of the man infront of me.

It seems like his blood had stopped flowing hours ago.His lips cramped,his neck was stiff from the collar keeping his head in a certain position.Worst of all it seems like he felt himself dying.He'd been front of the Lord of Dead and hades for crying out loud.But it was slowly creeping out.

I lifted his face by his chin and asks him"How's the toucher"

He chuckles a little before terribly saying"No matter how much you try bitch.I'm never gonna tell you where those weapons are"

It made my blood boil but nonetheless i smirked coz i know my ways.

I pulled out a knife from the table in the corner of the room,and thrusted it into his lower left abdomen

The young agent let out a large groan of pain.
"I'll te-ll you!Rem-ove it!He said hesitantly.

Speak it up!I said impatiently removing the knife.

"Boss is going to have a meeting with the Russian mob and gonna sell those weapon to them."He said in difficulty.

"When and where?"I asked deadly serious as for months I'm trying to find this rat.

"At 'Rao club' on monday sharp 9pm but just see,he'll gonna destroy you and you can't able to do anything"He completed with a shaky voice.

I stood up from my seat and left the place not before ordering my mens to beat him to the core

I directly went to my room for a cold shower as i need to calm my inner beast.As i enter in my room i saw that my babydoll is still sleeping,curled like a ball due to the coldness as the blankets are resting on the ground with the pillows

I inwardly chuckled at her and cover her with the duvet and left for shower

Aftet i come out,it was almost morning so i dressed up and went for my office,as it is weekend.My office is on the east wing as it is closer to the west wing or my basement.

I sat on my chair and started thinking of yesterday's event.I know that,that bitch hasn't told the full info but whatever he has told was can useful to me.I opened my computer and started looking for that area where they were gonna meet.

I was too much engrossed in my work that i didn't even noticed that one hour has already passes.

Suddenly my babydoll's image popped in my mind.It's not been a day also and she is making me crazy!While thinking about her it stuck me that she hasn't eaten anything from yesterday.So i ordered one of the maid to get me a coffee and serve some light breakfast to my babydoll

While taking a sip from my coffee i called simon and asked him about the whereabouts of the new project we're gonna start.It took me another two hours to fully discussed about the project and our plan also to fly Russia within few days.

I was reading a document when i heared a knock on my door.I allows them to come and that same girl get inside.

I furrowed my brows and she says "Sir,mam hasn't eating anything since morning"

I asks the maid to bring her and that plate of food aswell.After a min she came back with the plate of food and left before putting it on the table meanwhile my eyes never moved from the petite figure looking hot in my shirt.My member got hardened at the thought of she under me and automatically my legs move towards her forcing her to back steps.It continued till her back hit the wall and i took this chance by caging her with my hand on either side of her head.

"Wh-at ar-e y-ou d-oing!"She stutters making me smirk seeing my effect on her

"Are you trying to seduce me babydoll!"I asked her huskily and licked her earlobe making her body shiver

"Lea-ve m-e!"She said with her stuttering voice and tried to push me with her tiny hands.

I chuckles at her action and in a flip i turned her towards the table and made her sit on it while i parted her legs and stood in the middle smirking at her as she kept her eyes close and had hold my shirt so tightly like her life depends on it

After a brief sec she opened her eyes.

"What are you tying to do asshole!!Leave me!"She said while protesting herself

I ignore her ques aswell as her curse dunno why coz if any other person used to be in her place then they used to be sure now 90ft beneath the ground

I took the plate of food and bring one piece of toast in front of her mouth and insist her to eat.She turned her head to the other direction

"Eat it babydoll"I said patiently but she seemed unaffected

"I'm gonna count 10 and within that if u will not start eating then i might will do something which u will regret in future"I stated but she stayed still so i started counting 1-10

"1,2.....9 and 10"I competed but she seems like she don't give a fuck so i took the spoon of toast in my mouth and turned her face to my my side and connected our lips.Her eyes widened as she was not expecting this.I bite her bottom lip making her gasp and by taking this chance i shoved the part of toast in her mouth through my tongue and didn't disconnect out lips until she unwillingly chewed and swallow the food

Her cheeks turned red as she is breathing heavily. I slightly smirk and asked her to complete the food or we can continue what we were doing

She hurriedly took the plate of food and tried to move but i tightens my grip and told her to complete the full plate if she want to go

She maybe cursed me?Who knows but completed her food like a obedient child.I ruffled her hair and moved sideways and she stormed out of the room like if she stay one more second then i can trap her again.

Hello guy's

How r you all

Hope fit and fine

Anyhow here is chapter 5

I knowit is kinda normal like part but have patience as many more exicted parts are yet to come

Pls do vote...Pls

Love you

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