Tornado in the ocean

Start from the beginning

I mentally said to myself not wanting to die here.

I tried to take my phone out of  my  breast but couldn't grab it since my hands were bloody.

One of the officers pulled me from under the car and took my hand.

I was too weak to fight him off. Than that same officer fell down with me. Coughing blood being hit by stray bullets.

The last thing I saw was Venice's face.

"I'll get you out of here little sister, just hang on. Claire will batch you up real good.
She told us that you were in trouble crying her eyes out.
She said that the plan failed of bribing one of them to create a diversion -"

Said Venice as he carried me as he spoke with me to keep me awake.
I cut him off by using my last strength to tell him what really happened.

" look....for....the...bag....of money."

I said as I started seeing dark spots but I needed to warn Venice, for his safety.

"Stop it Veronica. Save your strength. I'll look into it okay?"

Said Venice as his eyes watered.

"Miles....payed... ...bring"

I said as my vision went white. Shit I need to say everything before I faint.

" them...our .. location.

I said but lost consciousness before I could tell him that she's not on anyone's side but her own.

Than there was silence. What a stupid way to die.

(5 days later)

I woke up blinking a hundred times not believing that I was alive. Claire was monitoring my vitals and didn't know I was awake, so I pretended to be asleep.

Layla waltz in and looked at the monitor because cursing and knocking one of the tables over.

What happened Claire?!!! Didn't I pay you to get Veronica out of there ?
How can you be so Careless!"

Said Layla grabbing Claire by the collar of her white coat roughly.

"Shut the fuck up! I called the cops didn't I?
Or was I supposed to fight 30 armed people alone?"

Said Claire irritated, trying to pry off Layla's hands off her.

" If Veronica dies you are finished.
I will no longer protect you, I'll hand you over to Mafia.
I think everyone will love to know who called the cops!"

Threatened Layla and Claire coward Abit trying to step back. But Layla's grip turned out to be unbreakable.

" Don't act like you care about her!"

Screamed Claire trying to shove Layla off her.

" Atleast I care about someone.
You only care about yourself?
I made sure Veronica left as soon as the Mafia landed.
They bugged my entire home so I couldn't slip up and verbally warn her.
Only heartbreak could make her run and not look back."

Said Layla and I didn't believe what she just said.

" You didn't pay me to catch bullets for her. I'm this close to pushing the panic button Layla.
Get the fuck out of here!"

Said Claire panicked but Layla did something unexpected,
She killed Claire by stabbing her throat till she went limb.

" What we do for love these days.
Nothing personal Claire. You put Veronica in harm's way and wanted to hand over Venice to the Big Boss.
Since you failed to protect Veronica and her brother, you are useless to me."

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