Chapter 9: Fight (Save Me, Won't You?)

Start from the beginning

Kamuro was a bit of a strange case; Arisu had won her over by blackmailing her (he didn't really know the details) and since then, Kamuro hung out with them.

Kakashi found her quite pleasant to be around when she talked, which unfortunately wasn't that often.

She did, however, occasionally get riled up by some of Kakashi's comments.

That was yet another recent change in him; he began enjoying teasing others and joking around occasionally, which he'd never bothered doing before.

Kakashi had even acquainted himself with some of the upperclassmen in the Judo club; it hadn't taken him long at all to adapt to the new fighting style and get to the top group in the Judo club, even if he was far away from being the best there.

Today, however, there was a change. When he went over to the section of the club where the top fighters of the club fought, he saw someone who didn't belong there, standing next to the club leader Takenaka Ayaka.

"Takenaka-senpai, is something wrong?" He asked his eyes on the familiar class 1-D student.

She was currently glaring at him challengingly, making Kakashi swallow. He hadn't done anything to her, had he? Why was she looking at him as if she wanted to obliterate him?

"Oh, Hatake-kun, I'm sorry for the bother, it's just that Sakura-chan requested that she wants to fight with you. I tried telling her that it's pointless, that she's still a beginner, but she insisted," Takenaka said apologetically, making Haruno huff in annoyance.

It never failed to fascinate him how quickly she befriended everyone. It was the first month of school and she was already on a first-name basis with the Judo club leader.

"Ayaka-senpai, I know. I just need this, please," Haruno sighed. She looked more exhausted than angry, but anger was still very much present.

'I wonder if this is about the class rankings? I can't imagine how stressful things for Class D must be right now...' he thought.

"Takenaka-senpai, it's alright. I don't mind."

He really didn't. If Haruno was determined to receive a beating, he could give her one. First, though, he wanted to find out what was up with her.

"Well, it's not up to me anyway, is it? If Sakura-chan wants to fight you, who am I to stop her? As long as both of you go by the Judo rules and stop before anyone gets seriously hurt, I'm okay with it," Takenaka laughed sheepishly.

"Well, I'll leave you two now, I need to help the new kid who joined last week. Have fun." Takenaka said at last with a smile, before turning around and heading towards the beginner part with the green tatami mats.

Kakashi looked at Haruno, raising a brow. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked, trying to be nice for once but she just glared at him.

"I'd rather fight," she grumbled and in an instant, she was running at him, ready to attack.

Wow, she'd completely forgone the bow they were supposed to do at the beginning and just charged at him. Okay, he could work with that.

Haruno tried to grab him by his arm with her body and unsettle his balance, but he sidestepped her trajectory, only allowing her to grasp his forearm.

He dragged her towards him, knowing he could easily kick out her legs from underneath her and end the fight quickly, but decided to let it drag on.

She didn't give up, trying to knock him over with her body weight. Too bad for her she was very light and she wasn't in a good enough position from which she could knock him over anyway.

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