As they tumbled, Richard felt the weight of the alligator's body pressing down on him, its hissing breath hot against his skin as Garfield maintained his grip. With a surge of adrenaline, Richard acted swiftly, reaching into his pocket and retrieving his retractable staff, a weapon he always kept close at hand.

In one fluid motion, Richard thrust the staff into the gaping jaws of the alligator, activating the mechanism with a deft flick of his wrist. The titanium staff extended with a satisfying click, forcing Garfield's mouth wide open as he struggled to close his powerful jaws against the unyielding pressure.

Despite the changeling's best efforts, the alligator's jaw proved no match for the strength of the titanium staff, its teeth unable to pierce the reinforced metal. Richard's resolve held firm, unwavering in the face of the predatory threat looming over him.

Richard's grip tightened on the retractable staff as he pressed the button again, the metallic device obediently shrinking back to its pocket size. With a swift motion, he shoved Garfield off him before rising to his feet, his expression a blend of stern disapproval and weary frustration. "I would rather you show me what your teeth can do instead of threatening me with them." He criticized sharply, his voice carrying the weight of his disappointment.

Garfield morphed back into his human form and rubbed his strained jaw with a grimace, feeling the lingering ache from the staff. After ensuring that his jaw was not dislocated, he turned to face his leader, his gaze hard with resentment. "Don't worry, I will happily bite your face next time." He retorted with a sharp defiant edge to his tone.

Meanwhile, across the training room, Raven struggled with her own challenges. Tasked with practicing the use of her powers at close range, she found herself grappling with the limitations of controlled combat. In the heat of battle, adrenaline often spurred her instincts into action, but in the controlled environment of training, triggering that reflex proved to be a daunting task.

As Kori swung her staff with practiced precision, Raven found herself once again knocked off her feet, the impact sending her sprawling to the ground with a frustrated huff. It was not the first time she had fallen that day, nor the second, and with each successive tumble, her patience wore thinner.

Sitting on the floor with a sigh of exasperation, Raven brushed a lock of dark hair from her face, her frustration evident in the furrow of her brow. Despite her best efforts, mastering the intricacies of close-quarters combat remained a formidable challenge, one that tested not only her skills but also her resolve.

Kori felt a pang of sympathy for Raven as she watched her friend struggle, her own desire to ease the intensity of their training tempered by the knowledge that true growth often came from facing challenges head-on. Despite her reservations, she knew that going too easy on Raven wouldn't ultimately benefit her progress. With a sense of determination, Kori approached her fallen comrade, extending a hand to help Raven to her feet as they prepared to resume their training.

Starting again, Raven attempted to summon her powers, however, her focus was shattered by Kori's sudden strike to her side, the impact causing her concentration to falter. Before she could react, Kori deftly maneuvered, hooking her foot around Raven's legs and swiftly flipping her onto the ground. The unexpected blow pushed Raven to her limits, her frustration boiling over as she whipped her head around, a low growl escaping her lips as her red eyes blazed with a fiery intensity.

Though Raven had made strides in controlling her darker powers through meditation and practice, there were still moments when her emotions threatened to overwhelm her, unleashing the formidable power of her demonic side. Despite their familiarity with Raven's struggles, the others couldn't help but feel a sense of unease whenever her temper flared.

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