Chapter Five

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On the edge of Jump City, deep within the secluded terrain, loomed a formidable penitentiary designed to contain the most dangerous of meta-humans. Amidst the inky darkness of the night, with the sun long since vanished, the only sources of light were the harsh strobe lights from the prison, casting eerie shadows over the desolate courtyard.

Within the fortress-like walls, where dampness seemed to seep from every crack, two inmates found themselves confined within the confines of their cell. Their existence was defined by monotony, their daily routines etched into the very fabric of their being. And so, in keeping with their accustomed ritual, Gizmo climbed the metal ladder to claim the top bunk, the springs of the mattress protesting with each movement as he settled in, attempting to find solace in the discomfort of his surroundings.

Stretching his arms in a futile attempt to alleviate the tension of the day, Gizmo finally closed his eyes, ready to surrender to the embrace of sleep. The warmth of the summer night seeped through the thick walls of the penitentiary, enveloping the cell in a stifling embrace, offering the promise of a restless slumber. However, just as he was on the verge of succumbing to exhaustion, a foul stench assaulted his senses, originating from the depths of the lower bunk.

The putrid odor clawed its way up from the depths, invading Gizmo's nostrils with an intensity that threatened to overwhelm him. With a grimace of disgust, he recoiled, his senses assaulted by the noxious fumes that permeated the cramped confines of their cell.

"Dammit, did you just let one rip?" Gizmo asked, his hand instinctively moving to cover his nose as he sat up, his eyes narrowing in irritation.

Mammoth, crouched down on the bottom bunk, merely grunted in response, his massive frame barely fitting within the limited space. "You know prison food doesn't settle well with me." He muttered defensively, a sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Well, you can at least warn me- Augh!" Gizmo's protest was cut short as the noxious odor assaulted him once more, prompting a vehement reaction.

"There's your warning." Mammoth quipped, his tone laced with amusement as he offered a wry smirk.

"Do not make me come down there and kick your ass!" Gizmo's voice crackled with anger, his threat hanging heavy in the stale air of their cell.

Mammoth's laughter rumbled through the room, a deep, hearty sound that reverberated off the walls. "I'd like to see you try, short stuff." He retorted in amusement.

With a sudden burst of frustration, Gizmo propelled himself off the top bunk, his agile movements defying the cramped quarters as he landed on Mammoth. The two met in a chaotic flurry of motion, limbs thrashing and fists flying as they grappled with one another, the scuffle escalating into a full-blown brawl within the confines of their prison cell. Punches were thrown with reckless abandon, hair was pulled, and in the heat of the moment, even the biting of limbs became fair game in their primal struggle for dominance.

From outside the steel bars, in the dimly lit hallway that echoed with the muffled sounds of their scuffle, the pink-haired sorceress observed the chaos unfolding within the cell with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. Leaning casually against the wall, she crossed her arms over her chest, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she watched the two cellmates unleash their pent-up frustrations upon each other. "Geez, I can't leave you two alone for five minutes." She remarked dryly, her voice carrying through the thick metal door that separated them.

Startled by her sudden appearance, the two inmates froze mid-brawl, their attention snapping towards the source of the interruption. "Jinx!" Mammoth's voice rang out with a hint of excitement, his grip on Gizmo loosening as he turned towards the sorceress, dropping his fellow inmate to the floor with a heavy thud.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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