Chapter 3: Got time to kill - Pt.2

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How could this get any worse? Seraphina's only hope has probably turned on her, she destroyed the only thing Archeon loved most, if she kills him, she'll have no chance of getting any food nor water and she'll have to wander the area until she finds someone or something useful to her survival, not to mention literally everything here is literally covered in black slime you most likely don't want to digest. Will anything go down? Will she survive? Who knows? "What a shame... I'm going to have to go back to the... integrated skills since you won't listen to me..." Archeon stated. "Excuse me?-" Suddenly, Archeon jolted forward and slithered into Seraphina's mouth Swiftly, and took control over Seraphina's motion. "Where are you taking me?!" She screamed. No one replied, obviously. Archeon seemed to be taking Seraphina to a direct location, to a underground subway, to be infact. Whilst Seraphina's legs were about to reach peak agony, They finally arrived at the location, still secret to Seraphina. "Why are we in a subway?! You better not kill me here or something! I really don't want a... Uhm... Dried up gum themed death!" Again, no one answered. They got onto the best looking train, which had the same logo on it as his hat, that she was wearing since the hat isn't part of Archeon. They rode the train, Seraphina, also not saying a word. After excruciating hours and Seraphina's loud snoring, they made it to the the unknown destination. As the train stopped at a halt, Just then, Archeon slithered out of Seraphina's mouth and she immediately jolted up from her slumber. "Seraphina. We're here" Archeon said. As they both speed-walked out of the dirty subway and they talked for a bit longer. "Where are we by the way?" She said while yawning. "I'll tell you later, But, You do know more stuff went on other than shroudens right? Lots of other species came from beneath the surface. We're actually the Weakest species" Seraphina stood still for a moment, "Looks like I have much to learn about this strange new world..." She said to herself. "They're called the Chronarians, we're about to see them in the flesh, where we're going to get the food from. They look extremely similar to your kind, except they have a star shaped pupil in their right eye, and an X shaped pupil in their left, They have tall swirly antennas and They like flashy lights and bright clothing, preferably pink and blue" Archeon lectured. "Their leader is called, Hi-Fi and they also have a piece of that crystal, oh! I also forgot to tell you, the name for their city is called, VeloCity"


"Why are there so many buildings Archeon? And why is there a purple dome around this place?" Seraphina asked. "Because...they're very advanced, alright?, I'll tell you later, anyways we're only going there to get food for you" Seraphina did a half smile, "So we had to do a whole boat ride just for food?" She jokingly said. "Precisely... Well come on then! We have no time to lose! Well we do but uhm- yeah..."Seraphina strutted along with Archeon on the way to VeloCity. "By the way, how are we going to get this food?" She said confused. "We're going to steal it!" Archeon shouted. "Really?" Seraphina sighed. "I mean.... do you have money?" Archeon said with a grin. Seraphina sighed and then replied, "no..." Archeon laughed as they walked to the colourful city, VeloCity! They both made it to Their destination but stopped in awe for a surprisingly long while to watch VeloCity's Pink and blue littered lights before they embarked on criminal acts.


Seraphina couldn't hold it in, "WOW! This looks... Spectacular!" Archeon stopped Seraphina before they entered the ginormous purple dome. "This purple dome is called 'The circle of midnight', it's when you can't see any people inside the dome from the outside, but when you go into the dome, you can see people inside. Only VeloCity has this for some reason I don't know why..." Then, they stepped into the strange looking dome, immediately a suited up, hologram chronian greeted them as they entered the dome saying, "Welcome, Welcome! to the glowing city! It was wonderous in there, glowing lights, glowing billboards, Most chronians staring at them! and more glowing neon lights!, but the 2 kept their pace to the nearest supermarket, but Seraphina noticed a certain shop on the way there, "No way! a whimsicore shop?!?!" Seraphina yelled with awe, "Yep" Archeon smugly replied. "Hey Archeon," Seraphina pointed to a stylish looking whimsicore chip in the light filled window. "It's a lunatic rank chip! Cool!" If you don't know what the heck Seraphina is talking about, let me explain to you. There are 5 ranks in the whimsicore chip system, the number 1, most powerful chips are classed as the, 'Ludicrous' rank. The second best rank is classed as the, 'Lunatic' rank. Number 3 is, 'Maniac' rank. Number 4, 'unhinged'. Finally, number 5, the weakest rank, 'Crazy'. "I actually don't even know what rank my whimsicore is anyway..." Suddenly, the shop owner came out from his shop and yelled at them saying, "Scram if you're not going to buy anything!" They both immediately ran off in a hurry. But just as they left, a nearby screen on previews on whimsicores showed a certain chip, Static. The rank?... Lunatic.

To be continued...

Feel free to tell me if there's any spelling mistakes by the way! ( I didn't really have time to check this time around and I was very impatient :> )

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