"Why are you stopping?" I breathed my disappointment to her.

"Because, my good man, I, I mean we, are going to prolong this for a long, long time. I want to experience every inch of you and I want you to experience every inch of me. By the time that we are finished I want us to know, instinctively, every point of each other's body, so that every time we make love, it will be an experience for both of us." she said

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked

"You can ask me anything you like, I might not necessarily answer it." she said

"How come your not married?" I asked

"I was married, he died from cancer" she said and I nodded."I suggest that we get our clothes off and get into bed, we'll be much more comfortable that way."

"In that case, let's go." I said and stood up, hitched my shorts up so that I could walk, and led her unerringly upstairs to my room.

"I'm impressed." she giggled

"If you think that's impressive, watch this." I said and took off my shorts and threw them towards a chair that was always in the same place, they landed over the back of the chair as cleanly as if I had stood right in front of it and lowered them gently over the back of the chair. "For my encore." I took of my underpants and socks and tossed them, one after the other. They didn't even touch the sides of the laundry basket by the door. "TADA!"

"What a show-off!" She said and had taken her clothes off and stood so close to me that I could feel her entire length against me. I picked her up and carried her to my bed and lowered her gently onto it. I then lowered myself onto the bed beside her. I began where I had begun before, at her head. As my lips gently caressed hers, my hands, fingers, gently massaged her scalp. A shiver ran down her body bringing an audible, just, response from her that vibrated my lips.

I kissed her eyes, her earlobes, I dragged my teeth gently across her throat, I kissed that little hollow at the top of her sternum, I moved my lips down the valley between her twin peaks before detouring to circle her left nipple with the very tip of my tongue.

Her breathing was becoming quite ragged, she would take a deep breath and hold it for a long time before exhaling and catching her breath in a series of short gasps. There was no regularity in her breathing as I continued to work my way slowly down her body. Me and Mary didn't fuck, we didnt have sex either and it was quite making love but it close to it. We enjoyed each others bodies for the next 2 hours.

We went to sleep, and we really slept, the sleep of two people who were so attuned to each other that nothing else intruded into our world.We kept this up for the following 2 months and I'm crazy about her. Right now we was in the bed together, my head been hurting me for the past few days so have my eyes. Right now all I wanted to do was rest.

Intrusion eventually came with the sound of Warlock asking for breakfast. I got out of bed and slipped my shorts. For some reason I couldn't find the door. I bumped into the wall and felt my way to the right until I reached the corner of the room before I realized I should have been going the other way, reversed and eventually found the door handle. I opened my eyes and it was bright and everything was blurry. I closed them back and made my way to the stair. I held on to the rail and took one step at a time.

I fumbled my way to the kitchen and came to the realization that I had forgotten where his food was in. I was confused, confused by everything that had happened last night and my head hurt, eyes hurt, my equilibrium had been upset. "MARY, RIGORA, JESS Could one you come here please?" I waited till Rigora came into the kitchen.

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