𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟗

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The next day arrived with a roaring headache and a sore throat – and you knew exactly why it was that way. You needed to find Shoko as soon as possible to get rid of your hangover. Dragging yourself through the lit up hallways, very much in contrast to yesterday night, your eyes studied the rooms for your beloved friend.

But you found nothing. No trace of Shoko.

Finally – after almost half an hour looking for her, you met her down at the tiled up basement floor and rubbed your head as you walked inside. The cold air was like needles to the exposed skin on your thighs and let goosebumps travel all over your body.

Why did it always have to be so damn cold down here?

"Good morning," you mumbled, your voice hoarse from the smoke of the cigarette last night. "How are you feeling?" Shoko turned around, still as pretty as before and her pale skin was again enhanced by the dark circles underneath her eyes.

She looked tired – but that didn't take even an ounce of her beauty away. The soft smile that she wore made all the uneasiness that you brought with you vanish as she walked closer. Her palm graced the side of your face, tugging a small strand of your messy hair behind your ear.

"Horrible." you laughed and she joined in, now resting her whole hand against your face and cupping your cheek. "Let me tell you, you don't even look half as horrible as you feel." she assured you as she focused all her energy on your temple as her fingertips lightly pressed down on it.

Slowly but surely, your headache faded – bit by bit.

While she was concentrating on your healing, you admired her facial features, the mole under her eye, the rosy tone of her cheeks and the slightly tinted lips. Her dark long hair was loosely hanging down her shoulders as she tilted her head. Her expression was relaxed and yet focused, her brows slightly pinching together.

As her fingers travelled down your neck, lightly gracing against your skin – you could feel your body get stronger again and your pain evaporating into thin air.

The memories from the night before trickled through your blurry mind, and you almost forgot that Shoko kissed you – twice. Not that you didn't like it, though. It was fun to try it out, but you still had to admit that even though you were intrigued and you loved her as a friend – this was just a drunk adventure for you both.

Surely she felt the same way, or else she wouldn't be so laid-back and nonchalant about it – not even acknowledging it.

"Feel better now?" – "Absolutely. You're an angel, Shoko."

You smiled, hugging her as she wrapped her arms around your body in return of your grateful gesture. "I am, right?" she joked, releasing you from her hug and drawing an imaginary halo above her head.

Now that you had that out of the way and your hangover was gone, you were absolutely sure that you didn't like drinking.

Giggling, you thanked her again and went back up – because there was still this thing with Nanami that you had to check off your list. This thing that was making you not even want to get up in the morning and that you wanted to avoid at all costs. But Nanami was a good man, deserving of love and respect and maybe there could be chance that you could return his feelings someday.

Even if that day wasn't today, or tomorrow – or the day after.

Maybe – Some day.

Coming to the conclusion that maybe you'd feel differently if you knew more about him, about his past, his dreams and the things that he loved or hated. Everything that brought him joy and the little things that mattered to him, his passions and his hobbies – except reading – because you knew that much already.

You knocked on his door three times, since he couldn't be found by you in the library earlier when you were there looking for him.

There were only these two options for him, if he wasn't in the library then he'd be in his room.

"Nanami?" you called out, sticking your head through the door as you entered, "Can we talk?" He looked up from his notebook, laid down his pen right in the middle and he shifted his position on the bed he was resting on.

While you let yourself fall onto the bed, you felt his hand on your thigh and you slid back against the wall to face him. "Sure," he said gently and put the book aside. His whole attention was on you as you prepared to explain how you felt with that whole situation, given the circumstances.

"I like you, Kento," you began, softly gracing the back of his hand with your thumb, "But I don't know you well enough to fall in love yet. I don't know what you like or dislike, I don't know what you expect from your future and what your past was like."

You bit your lip, taking his hand into yours and resting both on your lap. "I need to get to know you better to be certain if this can turn into love from my side." He nodded, pressing his lips together – a tight smile on his face now that soon enough turned into a disappointed frown he tried to hide.

"I understand."

His voice was tight, but still soft – like everytime he talked to you.

That was all he said, not turning his gaze away from your face for even one second. "Why don't we start now?" you asked and saw his eyes light up at your genuine interest in him. "What do you want to start with?" he pondered, tilting his head with his voice as smooth as honey.

"Getting to know you." Nudging him with your elbow, you leaned into him, your finger idly tapping on your bottom lip.

You hummed, thinking about a question you could ask him and if you wanted to know more about him, your first thought was something you asked even Choso at some point.

"What would be your dream vacation?" Your smile was honest and lovely, and he admired it – so much so, that he could even feel his heart flutter at the sight and his chest warmed up with a feeling he wasn't ever so familiar with.

If this didn't turn into love – he was sure, he'd do everything to keep you by his side. Even if it would be only as friends, he could live with it, as long as you still stayed present in his life. He cherished every moment you spent together and every laughter – or moan – you shared.

He stared off into nothing and averted his gaze down to your intertwined fingers.

"Malaysia," he whispered, "Kuantan would be nice."

Your gaze softened and you adored his suddenly so calm demeanor, but you noticed the longing in his voice and the bitter undertone to it.

"I would love to build a house on the beach, far away from everyone and finally read all the books that I postponed – page by page." he rambled on, your gaze set on his sharp facial features that seemed so gentle now.

He looked into your eyes, both of your smiles now meeting halfway.

"Kind of like taking back the time I've lost." – "Sounds beautiful." you breathed, leaning your head down onto his shoulder and just enjoying the moment as it unfolded before you.

It was indeed beautiful – Malaysia and that you finally got a look behind facade of the stoic but soft blonde man.

"You should go there some time." you whispered before you gently put a kiss on his shoulder as you stroked the back of his hand with your thumb gently.

He didn't do so much as hum in uncertainty and rested his head on yours – his eyes now closed, enjoying the comfort your presence offered him.

𝑚 𝑒 𝑡 𝑎 𝑛 𝑜 𝑖 𝑎 // JJK x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora