𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟓

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As soon as your head hit the pillow, your mind drifted off again and you slept soundly until a loud crash of thunder seethed into the building. The rumbling echoed off the walls, making the glass inside the window vibrate from the sheer force the lighting hit the ground a few miles away and you startled awake, your heart pounding rapidly against your chest.

You immediately sat up in your bed, your eyes studying the dark room, looking for the source of your sudden shock. As your gaze set on the window and you saw the raindrops rolling down the sides, you knew. 

A thunderstorm.

Releasing a deep breath, you let yourself fall back again and your heartrate steadied into a slower pace again. All the adrenaline that was pumped through your veins before subsided again and sleep claimed you for a few hours longer.

Until the frantic loud knocking on your wooden door let you jump out of bed in a matter of seconds. 

Shit, you overslept.

Gojo's face popped up, sticking his head into the small crack of the open door, greeting you with his usual beaming smile on his face. "Good morning, sunshine!" he yelled, earning a displeased grunt from you as you retreated back into the room, brushing through your messy hair with your fingers. 

"Ready for training?" He pushed open the door with his foot and invited himself into your room. No trace of the man that poured his heart out to you only days ago. Just his normal obnoxious behavior. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"Do I look like I'm ready?" you muttered, pulling off the shorts you wore for sleeping, and slipping on the warm jacket over the t-shirt. "Why are we training anyway – It's pouring outside." Mumbling to yourself, rather than him, you gathered your belongings and did your hair, turning around when you were finished.

"We won't be outside today, silly," he walked up to you, putting his hand on your shoulder as you furrowed your brows, "We'll train inside today. It won't stop raining for another few days as far as I've heard." 

You huffed a breath, biting your lip in annoyance of the upcoming days and the lost opportunity to retrieve your item. "Great." Sliding out of his hold on your shoulder, you ducked down and made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth – the final step before you needed to join them. 

Did he know that he cuddled you the night before? Or was he not aware of the fact, that you both slept, your bodies wrapped around each other.

Or did he just choose to ignore it? You didn't know, and you were certainly not going to ask, because even though it was comfortable and not even remotely as weird as you thought it would be – It could still ruin your chance of getting back your watch.

On the way to the gym, Nanami crossed the hallway and greeted you with a gentle smile. You waved and left Gojo's side to stroll over to him to have a little chat before you were going to be tortured the whole day.

"Nanami –," you cheered, touching his arm lightly, "On the way to the library, I see?" You pointed to the book that was tucked underneath his arm. He nodded, brushing his lips against your temple before he spoke again. "One of the things I like most about you, is that you're so smart."

His hand travelled down your spine as he made his way past you, another smile directed towards you. You could almost feel Gojo's eyes piercing your back as you stood there, your cheeks flushed from the open affection that Nanami showed you – in public. In front of Gojo. 

Whistling, he put his arm around your shoulders and snapped you out of your trance as he wiggled his brows underneath the blindfold. 

"What did I just witness here, Sweetheart?" You shook your head, turning around to continue your way to the gym, "Shut it, Gojo." Slapping his arm off your shoulders, you entered into the big room. 

Everyone was there – Yuji, Megumi, the girl that Megumi was walking with, Gojo and you.

"Good morning my –" 

You slipped your hands into your pockets, strolling over to the others reluctantly and your gaze rested on the girl.

"Finally I'm not alone with you pricks anymore...," she whispered, turning her attention to you as you took a stand right beside her. "Girl power, right?" She smiled victoriously, Yuji and Megumi only observing this interaction from a few feet away. 

"I'm Nobara Kugisaki." She held out her hand, her posture just as proud as her expression. "Y/n." you returned her smile and shook her hand, a firm grip from both of you.

You instantly liked her, she was straight-forward, seemed logical, a little arrogant – but you were too. You could get along well, even though she was much younger than you.

As you reminisced about the past, how you had been when you were their age, you wished you could have had something like they have now. Companions, friends and tolerance. Things you didn't have when you were younger. 

The whole time while you were thinking about everything but the training, Gojo was explaining what you were about to do. That also explained why you didn't have a clue when it was your turn to fight against any of them. 

You knew Yuji and Megumi had some talent, both of them were good training partners, different attacks, dodges and moves - but that girl, Nobara, surely had something to her that none of the other two had.

Dedication and fire. She wanted to win, so bad. She did everything she could and pulled every ounce of strength that she had.

But you were faster, stronger and also a little taller. And you had more experience.

She did well, and you panted over to Gojo as soon as her turn was over, only to drink something and catch your breath again because she really got you exhausted. 

"She's good, right?" Gojo jerked his chin in Nobara's direction as he turned around to you. He was only watching, observing while you were still breathing heavily beside him.

You nodded, hummed and gulped down the bottle of water you brought with you. 

"Gojo," you coughed, turning your gaze to him, "Kento said I should ask you if I wanted to know–" 

"If it's a threesome, sign me up!" he interrupted, almost making you spit out the water that you still had in your mouth. You looked at him, bewildered, disgusted and everything in between. 

"WHAT THE HELL?" you gasped, "NO!" – "Oopsie, my bad. I just assumed–" he began, chuckling loudly.

Now it was your turn to cut him off, "No. Don't assume. Anything. Ever." 

"Sorry. What was it, that you wanted to ask me?" His expression turned more serious than before, but it didn't even come close to a normal conversation because he was still holding back his laughter from his stupid joke.

"Forget it." You just shook your head, still shocked at what this man deemed his normal behavior.

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