Chapter 8 - Evernight Castle

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Selene, mounted on Blackfeather, approached Evernight Castle alternating between doubt and resolve. Doubtless her mother was already aware of her approach. Her Grimm sentries were very effective.

She was not disappointed. Her mother, Salem, Queen of the Grimm, awaited her at the bullhead dock, alone. She stood tall, inscrutable.

Blackfeather touched down, and Selene dismounted, walking the few paces forward.

It is time to put a week's worth of thought into action.

Well, half a week's worth of thought.

As the young woman stepped forward, Salem spoke a single word.

"Selene." There was a mixture of emotion behind it, but none shown on the woman's face or posture.

Then Selene moved unexpectedly.

With a flourish of her skirts, Selene performed a deep curtsy, and remained so, eyes downcast and palms cupped together in front of her. "My Queen, you honor me."

Selene heard a small inhale, but kept her eyes focused on the stone below her. Her heart beat several seconds. "Rise, Selene."

Meeting her Queen's eyes, she saw a hint of sadness. Of something lost.

"Your Majesty, you honor me, but I would beg your indulgence." A flicker. "I have not seen my mother Salem in some days, and we parted poorly. With your leave, I would meet with you on the morrow so that I may speak with her before I retire this evening."

Salem's eyes narrowed in confusion and her mouth opened and closed. Had it been in any other situation, Selene might have found it humorous. Here it was not. Here it was deadly serious.

"Selene, have you... are you well?"

"I am, My Queen, thank you."

"And you wish to... meet with me, your Queen, tomorrow."

"Yes, My Queen, if you will."

"And now..." She seemed to be struggling with the concept. "You wish to meet with... your mother."

"Yes, My Queen. If it would be possible for your servants to send word, I would refresh myself after my journey, and meet with her in my private chambers. We have much to discuss."

Salem blinked and Selene struggled not to smile at the raw humanity of the reflex. The woman then shook her head slightly, drew herself up, and frowned. "Very well, Selene. I have considered... your request, and I will see it done." She considered. "Come, you may escort me back inside."

"As you will, Your Majesty.

Stepping forward, Selene offered her arm, and Salem took it, and they walked regally into Evernight Castle. The doors closed.

Blackfeather stood for a full minute watching the door, head cocked. He was not the most intelligent Grimm on Remnant. There were far older, and more aware. But he knew his masters well. He didn't understand all of what had just transpired there, but he knew one thing.

That, was not normal.

Selene took her time. For one, she did indeed need to clean up after spending a week in the wilderness campsite, and riding Blackfeather tended to further attract grime.

For a second, assuming this had worked as intended, she wanted to give Salem time to consider and make her own arrangements.

She prayed that it worked.

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