Chapter 7 - A Quiet Place - Fallout

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For two days, Garek and Selene accomplished little, beyond attempting to determine whether it was physically possible for a certain Grimmling to make up for eight years of unknowing celibacy in some sort of manic speed run.

The fact that it came on the heels of both of them nearly dying may have contributed.

Eventually the two decided, for the sake of their longer-term physical well-being, to give it a bit of a rest.

They sat on their familiar spot after breakfast, listening to the quiet sounds of wildlife. His arm was draped across her shoulder and her head leaning into him, her left hand resting on his thigh. Finally, she sighed. "I suppose it is time we discuss our next steps."

He chuckled. "Honeymoon's over, eh?"

She pushed her shoulder against him and made a sound of dissatisfaction. "You are a child at times, Garek Grae."

"I was never raised properly. Blame my parents."

"I am not one to talk, but still."

He laughed more openly. "Fine." He grunted and stood. "Let's get to it." He went to the tent and returned with a notebook and his Scroll. It wouldn't have signal out here, but he could still take notes with it offline. "Where do we start?"

She took a deep breath. "What are we to do?"

"Ah, one of the difficult ones."


"Okay, okay. I do actually have some ideas. But you have to tell me if you disagree. I'm not your minder, just your devoted sex slave." That got him a look. "And personal bodyguard, for reasons." He scratched at a feline ear. "Honestly, the fact is, we don't have enough information to make much of any type of plan, other than near term." He tapped the display. "Your mother says there is a war going on, and that seems obvious, but it's probably not what we think it is, based on her 'dipping the toe' comment. So, we need to share notes here and see if it becomes clearer, eh?"

"I will tell you what I can, but-"

"But if I'm not mistaken, your mother has purposefully left you out of the loop."

"Correct. I know that there are... plans. She has a sort of council. But when they are there, I am limited to personal areas, or sent off to explore on my own." She smiled, "That was how I came to find this place." The smile faded, "and the justification she used when I left to bring that message for you. I was misled."

"You couldn't have known, and if we dwell on that, it'll just distract us. Let's take a step back, what is our goal here?"

"To stay alive, and together," she frowned, "and free to come and go. I would not see you locked in a tower with me, even if it were better than alone."

"Good. And what else?"

Selene picked at her clothing. "I would not see my mother made my enemy." Her eyes flicked to his.

His face softened. "I understand. And frankly, I doubt we would survive that. So we don't want to be your mother's enemy." He took a deep breath. "I can't imagine being her ally."

"No, no you could not. So that leaves us?"

"Somewhere in the middle. Neutral? Looking out for ourselves? Or trying to find some strange path between the two sides, which we don't even understand." He rubbed his brow. "Which leads us back to a point. If we are going to do that, we need information and leverage." He looked at Selene carefully. "I'm going to say something that is going to sound ugly, but it needs saying." She nodded carefully. "The only thing keeping me alive is you. You are leverage against your mother, and that's what she feared. And rightly so." Selene's face paled, and he waved his hand. "The difference between what she feared and this, though, is that it works both ways. You are also leverage against me. I won't use that against her, not unless you agree it's necessary. But that means I need to know what you do know, and you need to find out more."

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