Chapter 3 - A Quiet Place - First Leavetakings

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"I don't understand how this is possible," Garek protested for what seemed like the fifth time.

"Well, my mother says-"

"You have a mother." He said that as a statement, not a question.

She gave him a long look. "Of course I have a mother. Do not you?"

"I... sorry, yes. Is your mother human? Or Grimm?"

"She is... well she calls me her Grimmling, so I suppose that she is the same. She is like me. Or I am like her."

"Yes, but how? And your father? He is a... Grimmling also?"

"No he is like you... no... no he is a human. Not a ... faunus. Though I have difficulty understanding the difference."

"Extra ears." He might have pointed to the spots, but those were tattooed on, though he still wore them with pride.

"Yes, and my mother has red veins on her face, but she and I are not different species."

"Hmph. Well faunus aren't technical a separate species either. But you say your father is human?"

"Yes. He is... or was... at least Mother says he was a Huntsman as well. I do not completely understand how it happened. But mother says he is free to come and go, but it is a difficult journey and risks both he and us, so he rarely manages, if he still lives."

"And your mother is a... Grimmling?"

"Yes. I suppose. Though I would never call her thus. And none of her servants do."

"What do they call her?"

"Hmmm well normally 'My Queen'.

"Queen... Queen of..."

"Queen of the Grimm, of course. Or the Grimmlands, if you prefer."

"And your father is a Huntsman..." he repeated stupidly.

She sighed. "Yes. I didn't... I don't think I fully understood what that implied until you explained it. Mother did not say, and father avoided answering. I suspect it was a sensitive topic, knowing what I know now."

"I can imagine."

There was a long pause.

"You are staring at me again."

"Yes... well... you are..."

"A Grimmling. And apparently not something that exists."


"Hmmph. Then am I allowed to stare as well? Mother says it is rude."

Garek blinked and gave a low laugh. "I suppose it's only fair."

"You have... four ears," she observed. "Is that normal? Father does not have four ears."

"No that's a Faunus thing. At least some Faunus."

"Do all of the ears function?"

"Yes. But differently. These," he pointed to the lower set, "are good for normal conversation. These," pointing higher "are better for triangulating distant sounds. They've saved me more than once."

"And the spots?"

He gave a smug grin, "They just make me look good."

She smiled. "I see."

Another long pause.

"Do you know your grandparents?" He ventured.


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