14. Amidst The Ginger Lilies

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A mockingbird flew magnificently into the royal ginger lily garden, touching ground elegantly on a discreetly placed tree stump. Trilling ever so sweetly, the bird managed to gain the attention of the blue-robed princess seated gracefully amid the celestial blossoms, stringing a garland of the delicate florets.

Startled, her night-black eyes darted up, scanning the surroundings, as her large golden earrings jingled delightfully her sides, tangling gently with the dark curls framing her face.

Urmila's gaze found the perched bird of clean white feathers and an enchanting smile lingered on her lips as she motioned the creature towards herself.

"Did you give it to him?" She chirped, and the bird trilled in response.

Tracing her finger tenderly through the soft folds in its feathers, Urmila placed the mockingbird gently on the grass-ridden ground, and watched as it flew away dreamily.

Smiling to herself, the princess continued her task of garlanding the fragrant blossoms on a string, when suddenly, a wild rabbit of adorable features emerged from the nearby rushes and hopped into her lap, causing her to raise her eyebrows in amused surprise.

Running her fingers with the same gentleness through the animal's fur, Urmila hissed softly upon noticing the tiny yet ghastly laceration carved brutally through the creature's tender flesh.

"Aww you poor thing. How did this happen?" She pouted, lifting the bunny out of her lap and placing it on an elevated rock.

"But don't worry. Why fear when your veterinary princess is here?" She giggled proudly, gathering a few oddly crafted plants from a nearby basket.

"By the way.." She sang, crushing the herbs over a stone. "Where's your better half? I've never seen you without her."

"She's with your better half" A distant voice, smooth as melted gold entered the princess's ears, causing her heart to skip a beat as a deep blush adorned her flushed cheeks.

Looking up in surprise, Urmila found her husband standing tall above the unnaturally long lily plants, shielding her from the glaring sun, which cast a golden hue over his skin, giving him the appearance of a god. His hands delicately cradled another bunny of pearl-white fur and deep black orbs, just like himself.

"Arrey, why is she with you?" Urmila complained in bemused annoyance, stretching her arms out to take hold of the tiny creature.

But Lakshman hastily withdrew the animal, hiding it securely behind himself, to which his wife frowned.

Crossing her arms across her chest, the princess bore her gaze into the prince. "Laksh? What are you doing?"

"You're hands are infected Mila, you may transfer the disease to her." He stated, suppressing a smile.

Urmila looked down, bewildered, at her lotus-like palms, and looked up again, frowning. "What do you mean infected? I literally have only the herbs on here." She argued, her pitch rising like that of a protesting child.

"Well, you still have the germs on-"

"No, the germs are killed by the herbs" Urmila fought back.

Lakshman laughed. "You win my princess, as usual." He beamed and settled on the grass bed next to her, setting the soft animal on the ground.

The sun softened, its glare cooling into a warm penumbra of golden, that embraced the heavenly span of the royal gardens like the moon had done hours ago. A gentle breeze circulated the unworldly scent of the lilies, adding a delightful touch to the divine atmosphere.

"Mila..." Lakshman said after a few minutes, his gaze fixed on the rabbit she was so lovingly bandaging.

"Hmm?" She hummed, dividing her attention, her eyes never leaving the creature.

A Magical Spell ~ Ramayan | @TheLadyAestheticWhere stories live. Discover now