13. The Angry Bird

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"Infamous King of the demons,
I, Crown Prince Rama of the Solar Dynasty, have with full formality returned to your capital something I highly believe belongs to you, and has been missing for a while..."

The courtier paused his read-aloud session and sent a certain signal to the doorkeepers. The very next second, a group of powerfully built Rakshasas barreled into the gigantic throne room constructed of solid gold, bringing with them another man of shorter stature, whose face was concealed. All faces and uniquely shaped eyes peered curiously at the new arrivals, until-

"Remove the mask"

The three words boomed boldly throughout the chamber, heavy with indignation and authority, and the mere voice was enough to shake people in their seats.

All heads turned towards the one sitting atop the unnecessarily high throne, which had been stalked upon blocks of pure dazzling yellow. His eyes, bloodshot and heavy due to an overdose of celestial liquor, bore into the souls of each and every escort standing around the new entry, chilling their spines.

"I SAID REMOVE THE MASK!" Ravana bellowed, and the walls trembled in fear, while the earth of Lanka shook, and people lost heart.

A guard hastily yanked the covering off of the man's face, and evident gasps sounded feebly throughout the chamber.

"Prahasta? Is it true?" Indrajeet exclaimed, flabbergasted at the destroyed and disfigured, yet very much alive creature standing before him.

Ravana stood up from his throne, as if in slow motion. "Who did this?!" He roared, while tears left the burnt man- now discovered to be Prahasta's eyes.

"La..Lankesh, th..that Rama. Lakshman's elder b..brother, crown prince of Ay..yodhya." He whimpered and began sobbing, again.

Indrajeet would have facepalmed if not for the dire situation. Their commander-in-chief could be as emotional as a girl sometimes.

"Prahasta! Stop crying! It does not become-" But when the warrior continued to wail, the demon prince groaned. "Fine do what you will."

Presently, the king descended the golden steps embossed with rich engravings featuring the gods, his each step causing a wave of fear to ripple across the deathlike silence of the chamber, except Prahasta's sobs of course.

Turning to Akampana, who was reading the letter in silent horror, the world-conquering demon, ten feet in size, glowered in maddened anger.

"Continue!" He roared and the palace shook again.

Startled out of horrid daze, and clearing his throat nervously, Akampana continued the scroll.

"...I hope he reaches you in good condition. Anyway, I would like to inform you, my brother is still very much alive, safe, and sound, and also preparing to unleash his fury at this point. With a very sincere heart, I would suggest that you, King Ravana, along with your very talented son Meghnad, stay away from Lakshman. Trust me, it's in your own interest and for your own benefit. Because if you cross paths with the raging son of Sumitra, who currently seeks vengeance, you are so done for.

In your own words, you may consider this a friendly warning, a harmless suggestion, or a death threat.

With due respect,

Raghuvanshi, Dasharathnandan Rama, Crown Prince of Ayodhya"


Ravana screamed, and violently punched a nearby pillar, sending it crashing to the floor on impact. Everyone in the room froze, terrified.

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