9. A Bond Beyond Brotherhood

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Cover Credit:- Shrimad Ramayan

A soft sob escaped Urmila's lips, breaking the moment's suffocating silence, and tears of relieved joy sprung from her doe-like eyes as she covered her face with her delicate hands. Sita cried along with her, hugging her close to herself, while Mandavi breathed out a laugh inspite of herself, flicking an unshed tear from the corner of her beautiful eyes.

Shrutakirti meanwhile, beamed widely, her eyes sparkling in excitement. Her heart jumped in joy and relief at the same time. The princess dashed away without a moment's hesitation to inform her husband, her anklets jingling through the halls piercingly.

Rama exhaled all the pain out in one breath, putting a hand to his forehead, overwhelmed. It was over. His baby brother was finally out of danger. Everything would be alright now. The prince held his face in his hands for a lapse of silent moments, before looking up and smiling genuinely, something he hadn't done in a while.

Sumitra covered her mouth with her bejeweled palms, laughing, or maybe crying, the world did not know, and Kaikeyi side-hugged the younger queen, as if comforting her ownself, telling herself that it was finally over.

Dasharath laughed aloud, lifting the atmosphere almost instantly, and Kaushalya smiled beside him, clutching at his arm. The king brought her in a side-embrace, and they both felt at peace again, pleased to witness their family happy and smiling atlast.

The emperor turned to the doctor, folding his palms. "Thank you, vaidya raj, for saving my child. Words cannot express how truly indebted I am to your respectful self." The royal doctor smiled in response, folding his palms back.

"Oh Lord of the planet, I have merely carried out my duty. I have fulfilled the purpose of my life yet another time, and I feel grateful to the gods for including me in this divine game of theirs."


'For some reason, I was listening to Galliyan by Ankit Tiwari while writing this part-'

Time seemed to stand still as Rama stood beside Lakshman's bed, watching in silent peace as the sleeping prince's chest fell up and down in a gentle rhythm, indicating his internal condition was now stable, safe, and back to normal.

A bright hue of pure gold enveloped the calm room, causing a much missed serene and tranquil atmosphere to descend upon the princes. A tender breeze entered through the gaps in the laticed windows, and the large drapes of soft velvet fluttered and danced joyfully under the warm rays of the reappearing afternoon sun.

A lone tear, glinting in the sparkling sunshine, slipped like a celestial jewel descending from the abode of the gods, from Rama's lotus-like eyes, and alighted gracefully on the third prince's forearm, causing the prince to flinch slightly, and then stir in his sleep.

Slowly, like the sun rising from the eastern horizon, Lakshman's eyes fluttered open, and the prince turned to meet the faintly smiling face of his eldest brother, his Rama Bhaiya.


Rama snapped out of his trance, and realized the prince was now awake. Rubbing his eyes hastily, the prince settled beside his brother on the bed.

"Laksh.." He whispered. "You're awake?"

The prince located the younger's hand and firmly locked it between his, and pressed a kiss to the interlocked fingers.

"You're awake" He chuckled again, as if impressing the fact upon his broken heart.

A smile painted itself over Lakshman's shining face, and an almost unoticeable tear left the corner of his beautiful eyes.

A Magical Spell ~ Ramayan | @TheLadyAestheticWhere stories live. Discover now