Chapter 11: The Horse Ride

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“I don't know how to!” I yell back.

There was a brief pause. “Pull the rein back!” He yells again.

The rein?

I don't even know how to pull it.

How can the Alpha be asking me to do something I have never done?

Xavier appears beside me suddenly. He looks at me. “Stay still. Hold on!” He advises.

I nodded once, even though I was very scared.

Xavier looks down at my footbed, then up at me again. “I will get you now. Let go of the rein when I do.”

I have no idea what he plans to do but I nod anyway.

Suddenly, I could see his fur covering him like a second skin. He was shifting.

The clothes he was wearing started to give way, unable to adjust to the new size.

The next thing I realized was that he was behind me. His body curls around mine and I release the rein.

There was a thud and we were lying on the floor in the next minutes while the two horses continued to run further inside the forest.

The Alpha's wolf was so huge that I was safely curled inside him. He was as black as his eyes colour.

Unconsciously, I reached out to him and felt the fur against my body.

He growls suddenly and I jerk back in fear.

I look away and expect him to drop me. Instead, he starts on a run, handling me like I'm his baby.

My heart couldn't stop beating fast. It felt like it was going to burst out at any moment.

I couldn't touch him because I was scared it might upset him.

But I've never felt so comfortable in my entire life. This was better than any bed in the whole world.

So, I close my eyes and feel myself drift away.

“I will stay with her,” a deep voice mutters suddenly, and I feel my consciousness slip in again.

The first thing I notice is that I'm not as comfortable as I was when I was in the Alpha's arms.

I'm still comfortable but I realise I'm laying on the bed. And this isn't the Luna's bedroom.

The dark wall reminds me of the Alpha's personality and as realisation finally settles in, a large gasp escapes my throat.

I'm in Alpha's bedroom! And on his bed!

The door opens suddenly and quietly as if the person behind the door was careful not to disturb me.

A strong scent engulfs me immediately.

I close my eyes instantly, shutting them so tight as I try to stabilise my heavy breathing.

How the heck did I fall asleep in his arms? What if he's angry at me?

The figure hovered over me for a moment and I feared he had seen through my lies until he walked away.

I release the breath I didn't even know I was holding.

“I know you aren't sleeping,” he says suddenly and my eyes open wide with shock.

I sit up quickly. Since he caught me, there was no need to continue pretending.

How did he even know in the first place?

I hurry up immediately and bow slightly. “I'm so sorry,” I apologise in a clipped voice.

Since the Alpha doesn't like when I talk too much, I had to be very careful.

He walks towards me while pulling off his gloves. “I didn't know you were a heavy sleeper. Did you perhaps get hurt on the horse?”

I blink once, as it feels like my senses were taken away from me. Did the Alpha just ask me if I got hurt?

He looked at me for a moment when I didn't answer. “You look fine to me by the way but,” he hesitates and fills the space in between us. “Why are you not healing?” He mutters and continues to stare at me.

I look away quickly.

His fingers reach for my chin. He tilt my head up with it and stare the more into my eyes. His eyes felt like he was looking into my soul.

I feel a shiver take over my body. I couldn't control it.

“I don't heal easily.”

He didn't reply. Instead, he tilts his head in. It felt like he was going to kiss me.

He veered away before his lips would touch mine. He pecks me on my cheek instead.

I freeze instantly.

Thanks for reading!

Alpha King XavierHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin