CH 33

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"Jack?" Luke asked after he opened the front door to his apartment, revealing his brother on the other side. Jack smiled and goes to push his way through the door, Luke stops him.

"Luke, who's at the do-" Calum stops in his tracks and looks past Luke and at Jack. Jack offers him a wave before Calum steps back into the other room, clearly not wanting to see the other boy.

"He's nervous." Luke spoke quietly incase Calum could hear them. Jack sighs and pushes past Luke, walking into the bigger section of apartment and sitting on the couch.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked. Jack hadn't said a word since he'd got there and that's definitely out of the ordinary. Jack sighs and rubs his hands over his face frustrativly.

"I don't know what to do with Maddie. I'm like, stuck or something. We started dating, but it still feels like were friends. It's too early for a first kiss and I feel like I barely know her." Jack huffs. Luke looks at him with raised eyebrows.

"Jack Hughes having girl problems? I never saw that one coming." Luke laughed at his own words, Jack sending him a glare. He's serious about Maddie and Luke needs to get it together and help him.

"Just talk to her. The more you talk the more you'll know. Also, if it doesn't feel like dating, I'd start by doing small things, like, holding her hand or random compliments. I don't know, this is so out of my comfort zone." Luke sighs. Jack looks at him with a what-are-you-talking-about look before speaking his mind.

"Luke, you're in a relationship. How do you not know how to be romantic?" Jack asks, his head becoming even more confused at the words Luke previously spoke. Jack loves Luke and all, but he's an idiot sometimes.

"Being romantic is different for everyone, Jack. Calum likes spending time with me and texting every second possible, but Jesper gets Allison gifts, takes her out on dates like 5 days every week, and lives with her. Allison loves all of that and I know for a fact that Calum is different than that. I can't tell you what Maddie likes because I'm not her. You might have to try a few things to see what she likes the most."


"Maddie's texting me about Jack." Allison sighs. Jesper leans over her shoulder to look at the messages. He scans over them before humming.

"Jack's been saying the same thing. He doesn't know how to get past that awkward stage of a new relationship. I think he went to Luke for help- which had to be a huge ego boost for him- but I don't think he helped very much." Jesper said softly. Allison nodded before changing who she was messaging.



mads likes dark chocolate,
those samoa cookies from girl
scouts, attention, compliments,
and zach bryan.

damn okay thanks

don't tell her i told you.
she'll kill me for meddling with
her relationship.

this is a good kind of meddle though

she doesn't like help with
relationships. she would want you
to figure out everything yourself,
but you're jack hughes, not
albert einstein so u can have help

okay, wow, i'm hurt that
you think so lowly of me

yeah yeah whatever.
go make maddie happy.

thank you again

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