CH 17

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Allison's waiting for Jesper outside the locker room like he asked her to. There were other people around (who Allison guessed were more girlfriends) and they were sending her questioning looks. Allison had to admit, not having Maddie with her made her stick out like a sore thumb.

Having Maddie with her made her look older. Mostly because Maddie was older than her so it just made people assume Allison looked younger than she was. But now, Allison was young. Arguably too young to be here for anyone on the team.

Then players started walking out. Some talking to teammates, some finishing up interviews, and some looking for their girlfriends. Just like Jesper was. He walked out and the first person he laid eyes on was Allison. His face softened and his smile grew.

"Hey, beautiful girl." Jesper said as he speed walked over to Allison. He wrapped his arms around her, his excited state calming instantly. Allison wrapped her arms around his neck as she took in his presence.

"You did so amazing, my superstar." Allison whispered in his ear. Jesper wasn't going to admit it, but his heart picked up speed and his cheeks turned a bright red. All because she said my superstar.

"I'm yours now." Jesper whispered, his arms only tightening around her. He wasn't necessarily saying it to her, but he was saying to himself. He was taking in the unreal felling of being hers.

"And I'm all yours." Allison said back. She let Jesper pull away and look into her eyes.

"Did you know what I said after my goal?" Jesper asked. Allison smiled brightly and nodded. Jesper smiled back.

"I was riding high on the excitement I felt from you being mine I decided to win the game. You know, normal stuff." Jesper laughed. Allison giggled into her hand and Jesper grabbed her other one.

"Let's get out of here. We need to go celebrate." Jesper said with a smile. Allison walked out with Jesper, hand in hand.


"You know, I've never had a boyfriend before. I've been talking to people, but nothing more than that." Allison said as she laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Jesper hummed.

"Well, I promise to be the best and only you'll ever need." Jesper whispered, rolling to kiss her cheek before laying back down next to her and, most likely, falling asleep.

Oh. oh.

'The only you'll ever need.'

Those words rung in Allison's head for at least an hour before she finally felt sleep pulling her under.

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