Circus Motivation

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[Meanwhile in the Circus Train at night]

Christian: This is a disaster!

Gloria: We blow all our money on a bad circus, and we're not any closer to New York!

Melman: If anything, we're further away!

Marty: We could have at least bought a circus that knew how to circ!

Skipper: I don't even know why we bought a circus in the first place. We had enough dough for a plane!

Thomas: Are you kidding me?

Christian: You must have some money left over.

Skipper: I used it to buy teeth and then have them capped in gold. Now I can eat apples! Sadly, I discovered I... I don't like apples.

Marty: No promoter is sending this show to America. It's toe up!

Gloria: Now it all makes sense. No wonder the circus master was so happy to sell.

Alex: Aah! (After he sees Stefano on the window]

Christian: Alex, what is it? [Sees Stefano] Oh.

Stefano: Shh! [Points them to come on top the the kart]

Marty: He was happy, all right. Happy about ripping us off!

Alex and Christian: [Opens a door and accidentally falls off] Aa-

Gloria: Where did Alex and Christian go?

Marty: I don't know.

Thomas: Me ether.

Alex and Christian: AAAHHH!! [Grabs on for their lives and hops on the roof of the car].

Stefano: Come on! This-a way!

Alex: No, no, no. You come this way!

Stefano: Hey Alice and Christian, watch-a your heads!

Alex and Christian: [Sees the entrance of the tunnel] Yah!

Christian: Move!

[They tried to run from it but he goes to the tunnel and Alex runs on the wall and jumps out of the wall witch make Stefano and Christian gasp and amazed for what he sees but Alex lands between two cars.]

Stefano: Alice! [He and Christian runs into each cars and goes to Alex]

Christian: Alex! [Did not see him but he and Stefano look up and sees Alex is still alive by holding on two cars with his claws]

Alex: I'm fine!

Stefano: (Looks up) Fantastic! [The train went out of the tunnel] Was that trapeze americano?

Alex: Yeah. Sort of.

Stefano: Incredible!

Alex: I hope this is important.

Stefano: Come this-a way, Alice! You-a too Christian!

Michael: Okay.

[They come to a passenger car.]

Alex: By the way, it's "icks" not "iss." Alex. Like New York Knicks.

Stefano: I know. New York Kniss. Is not hard.

Alex: Whoa. [It was revealed the the passenger car has pictures, posters and trophies in it]

Christian: [Looks at one of the posters] Stefano? What is this place?

Stefano: I-a know you think we are a stinky, poopy circus, but there is something you both must-a know. There was a time when Circus Zaragoza, we were a great-a circus! Numero uno in all the Europa! And Vitaly... he was the biggest star of us all. He was fearless. Taking-a risks. Always-a new. He jump through the-a hoop like he could fly!

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