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Two weeks later......

The morning sun rose above the ocean and islands, casting a warm goldenrod colored hue over the landscape. On a costal village, situated between the lines of Autobot and Decepticon territory, sat a few happy Fae and Half-Mer.

This was where messages went to be delivered, by some of the fastest Merfolk. The people of Velocitron. While yes, the city itself was situated far more inland, the costal town of Tempo was the main hub for war messages.

Blurr sat on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the sea. He was wearing a black flannel shirt over an oversized white tee, black sweatpants and all black converse.

"Yo, ready to take the messages?" Windblade laughed as she walked to him, her partner Chromia at her side.

Blurr glanced back at the girls. He sighed and stood up, grabbing his satchel bag. "Don't wanna go back to that shitty base, but it's my job." He joked as he stretched.

Chromia smirked. "Who would?"

"Exactly." Blurr laughed, punching her in the arm playfully as he strode past them.

"Be back by lunch, yeah?" Windblade called out to him.

Blurr turned, nodding. Then he turned towards the pathway that led to the beach. He wasn't aloud to jump off the cliff anymore after his stupid injury. He ran down the path quickly, nearly tripping and eating shit on his untied shoelaces

When he got to the shore, he ran right in.

Blurr was probably the fastest in the village to transform. After all, the sea spirit that represented him was a swordfish. He transformed and swam for it, glittering white tail shimmering in the early light.


Hotrod sat at the entrance of camp, clutching a coral spear. He never liked guarding the camp directly, he always liked being off on his own in the mornings. Bumblebee floated on the other side of the arch, his spear pointed down.

A small shape in the distance made both brothers lift their spears.

Whatever it was, they were fast. It's pearly white tail shimmered on it's decent towards the base, his black and white dyed hair pulled in a bun behind him. Hotrod's heart warmed and he lowered his spear.

"Yo! Chill it man." Blurr teased Bee as he came to stop in front of them. He was strong and muscular, a nice silver sash around his body. He had little to no scars on him.

Bee scoffed. He lifted his hands and did sign language, his vocal area was slow healing. "Shut up."

"And for saying that I'll give you your mail last." Blurr replied to him sarcastically, leaning against Hotrod as he showed his ID.

Hotrod checked it over. They had an incident once with a shapeshifter, so they always had the outsiders within the group that came and went carry an ID on them. And if they didn't have one on them but looked like an outsider, they attacked on sight. It happened once with Clampdown, somehow.

Blurr nuzzled Hotrod softly, clearly his Siren side of him getting the better of him. Hotrod ran his hand through Blurr's hair as he checked the ID again before handing it back.

"Head on in, bud." Hotrod chuckled.

Blurr dashed into the camp, disappearing as he went about giving messages and mail.

Bumblebee poked his brother's shoulder with his sharp claw. "Ow, what?" Hotrod growled, turning to his brother.

"Stop getting so touchy, you act so gay sometimes." Bee sighed, glaring at him and snarling.

Sharks can't love - SoundRod AUWhere stories live. Discover now