Wavering Tides

17 1 147

TW: Mentions of an abusive relationship!

Stay safe lovelies <3 -Starry/Dakota/Mink


Two months later, as of last chapter....

Hotrod and Bumblebee swam quietly beside each other, claws twitching. The duo had surfaced after a while on small island to rest their fins.

Hotrod didn't like the island, it was the one he brought Soundwave to, he could practically hear the sirens soft chuffs as he laid in the sand. He stared at the dawn sky, husky stars glittered about on the misty pinkish purple sky.

Hotrod felt the rising Sun against his hair, warming him to his core. He and Bumblebee had been out on recon all night, they found an old base that was to be attacked midday today.

They had found it was a research point for the Decepticons in a strategic location. Low guard. Quick take.

Bee shifted beside him, nudging his adopted brother. "Yo, you good? You've been staring at the sky for fucking ever."

Hotrod jumped slightly when his brother nudged him, he sighed gently and calmed down as to not set anything on fire. "Just thinking."

"Bout what? The dipshit siren or the fact your powers are barely useful in water?" Bumblebee said with a smirk.

"The siren." Hotrod murmured gently, swishing sand off his tail.

"Ugh, please...." Bee scoffed and rolled over, closing his eyes again. "Take a nap and we can go."

Hotrod didn't want to take a nap, his mind was too out of sorts. It had been two months, two, by Primus...he really was weak. He put his head in his hands, trying to contain a whimper and a frown.

The winds shifted, blowing a cold breeze over him and his brother. Bumblebee sat up, his antenna twitched. "Storms blowing in, let's move before the sea gets bad."

"Right." The lieutenant sighed and dragged himself back into the depths.

The warm water calmed him slightly, but his nerves were spiked from in coming storm. Bee nudged him, spreading his claws in the direction of base.

Hotrod scowled. He took a deep breath, and blew. A deep azure flame spiraled from deep inside him, sending a flare. In the distance, a loud dolphin call went out, followed by another, and another.

"Kay, storm calls in. Let's go prep base." Bumblebee said, taking his brother's paw and pulling him along.

Hotrod followed after him, his throat hurt. He rarely used his fire underwater due to the pain it caused him. Sure, I know what y'all are thinking, Fire can't be used under water, but Hotrod's fire is slightly hydrophobic. But it can still be put out!


The two swam for an hour, tugging their way to base. The water had gotten choppy by the time they got to base.

Optimus and Jetfire were waiting for them inside the base. Sand had been gathered around base and piled against weak points.

Optimus took his son's hands carefully in his own and nodded to them. "Found it?"

"We did." Bumblebee giggled. "Though the storm might be some trouble, dad."

"For us and the Decepticons. It's a large surge falling over both our territories, so their troops will have a hard time getting out to the base we'll be attacking." Optimus said, smiling down at his sons.

Sharks can't love - SoundRod AUWhere stories live. Discover now