Pufferfish have attitude

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The song above! That's what Soundwave sounds like when he sings! And, during this chapter there will be a...questionable ;) scene, maybe. But the scene will include this song!

Maybe some fluff or SMU-


It took a day for everything to go down the coast..

Soundwave smashed Bumblebee's head against a coral chunk, causing the young Mermaid to yell and bite his arm.

"Soundwave!" Ratchet growled, swimming swiftly over to the fist fighting men.

Soundwave growled and pulled away, curling back up to his kelp bed. Ratchet got between the two, growling low in his throat.

"You may be a Siren, you filthy little bastard, but that doesn't excuse you for hitting a Mermaid." The medic growled, tail flicking.

Soundwave snarled, not wanting to talk to anyone at all. Ratchet scoffed, dragging Bee away from the Siren.

Two hours later...

Hotrod swam from guard duty the quickest he could. He was stationed on the border of the territory all morning and the second he got the news from Jetfire that Soundwave attacked someone while he wasn't there he swam like his life depended on it.

He was panting, eyes wide as he swam straight through a school of fish. "Sorry!" He had yelled to them in aquatic.

Hotrod growled gently, seeing the coral reef in the distance. He flicked his tail upwards and caught a warm current that went right over the base.

Unlucky for him, it was fast.

He went right over the base, having to drop out of the current and make a bottle nose dive for the kelp circle that surrounded the infirmary.

Hotrod brushed kelp out of his hair and swam down towards Soundwave.

"Use the door next time." Ratchet advised from a kelp bed where Wheeljack was, he was pouting and insisting he only blew a small thing up despite being covered head to fins in soot and ash.

Hotrod shrugged, diving over to Soundwave. The big guy was curled in ball, tail fin raised over his head. Hotrod's blue eyes softened gently as he ran his hand over Soundwave's scales.

The Siren's fins on the back of his tail bristled as he let out a gentle growl.

"Don't like touch, eh?" Hotrod murmured, as if he was speaking to one of the land-dwellers four legged companions.

He started to move his hand off of Soundwave's tail, a little disappointed. Soundwave lifted his tail, causing Hotrod to pause in his movements.

The Siren slowly crept out from under his tail, gently sniffing Hotrod's hand like a dog would to see if it was threat.

"Oh, just you..." Soundwave murmured gently, pulling away and straightening himself on the kelp bed.

Hotrod smiled softly, drifting to flowy on the edge of the kelp bed. "You alright? I heard there was a fight..."

"I'm fine....The kid, he's just....reminded me of something that happened." Soundwave grumbled, growling slightly at a sharp pain shooting through his body from his stomach wound.

"..." Hotrod put a hand on Soundwave's back, earning him a gentle coo of surprise at the sudden support. Soundwave looked up at him.

"Hotrod." A comforting and commanding voice rang. Optimus swam in through the entrance of the kelp infirmary, his big deep blue-gray tail swaying behind him.

Sharks can't love - SoundRod AUWhere stories live. Discover now