Blood stains

15 1 18

Soundwave drifted alone in the waters, speeding swiftly through the currents. Couldn't even make it a month before getting found out. And tonight was the full moon mark!

Curse him for being so stupid.

Salty water licked at his wounds, pruning his clawed hands and staining the water around him with that stench of blood. He had wrapped his sash around his eyes to keep it from bleeding all the way.

He felt pained, and he didn't know why.

Maybe it was because he betrayed the one man he cared about most and got stuck with the consequence. Or maybe, it was because of spite.

Either way, he fucked up.

Soundwave crossed the border, flinching at the change in water temperatures. The Autobots got the liberty of living in warm water whereas the Decepticons got stuck swimming in frigid waters.

He flashed his bioluminescent scales, showing he was one of them.

After a few silent moments, a few short starbursts of light came from a Decepticon hiding.

Soundwave flashed back, lying on his side and letting the current carry him as he explained via lights. The Decepticon, Barricade, flashed back with red and blue lights. Soundwave swam at a normal pace as the scout drew closer.

"Jeez, sorry sir, but you look like shit, the hell happened?" Barricade rumbled, voice deep but oddly caring.

Soundwave chuffed softly. "Someone I thought I could trust."

"Can't trust anyone these days, 'specially not a 'Bot." Barricade rumbled, glancing at Soundwave's bare chest and blushing before he brought his attention to a passing school of fish.

Soundwave scoffed, sweeping up under a large arch of ruby coral and swimming after Barricade. Skin pulled at his wounded face, he let out a low whimper of pain.

"You liked her, didn't you?" Barricade laughed.

"Bold of you to assume it was a her." Soundwave shot back.

"Oh? Feeling that side of the shore, eh? Fine by me."


"If it's an order for me to shut up, I can't do that! I'm the worst at that."

Soundwave settled for punching him. Barricade bared his fangs in smile and swam in a different current than him.

The two swam for a few minutes more before reaching colder waters, even more than before. They resurfaced, Soundwave stared at the gray sky.

Rain pelted his snout, he glared at the blackened cobble cave. The yawning hole as the entrance showed Siren's swimming and lounging on rock alcoves on the inners. Others were swimming and patrolling the outlets of the large base.

He caught a glimpse of Breakdown swimming towards the Infirmary.

"Grand, I have to deal with a flirting battle." Soundwave said, earning himself a deep laugh from Barricade.

The two swam to the entrance, flashing their bioluminescent scales and their badges.

Soundwave was let in immediately.

Barricade was held back for a quick moment before being let to follow the injured Officer.

Knockout was pissed off, he was slamming supplies around, throwing things and kept flashing his scarlet red bioluminescent scales and illuminating his deep red scales. His scarlet fins flashed and swayed.

Breakdown was trying to calm his raging mate, but it was like trying to shoo a hurricane from shore.

"Knockout." Barricade said, easing his claws over him.

Sharks can't love - SoundRod AUWhere stories live. Discover now