secrets |snf|

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Context: sapnap and george see eachother without dream knowing but he walks in on them

<sapnap's pov>

George and I have been seeing eachother more than friends recently, like cudling, some kisses, we even shower together when dream isn't there.

I sometimes feel bad and guilty for Dream because he doesn't know and if he did he would be sad and angry, and if I was him I would be too.

Like imagine you see your 2 bestfriends doing couple stuff and your just rejected from it like a third wheel.

That sucks.

But right now me and george were cudling on my bed while dream wasn't home, he was laying on my chest, while I was on my phone playing with his hair.

"What if dream finds out?" He asks worried

"He wont if were carefull around him"

" just worried"

"Dont worry darling ill make sure he doesnt find out" I reassure him

George is worried that he's gonna find out but im sure that if we're carefull he's not gonna find out, I know I need to be there for him.

I hear the front door open and I guess it's dream so I get out of georges room give him a goodbye kiss, I then leave but I meet dream in the hallway.

<dreams pov>

I saw sapnap walk out of georges room.

"What were you doing in georges room?" I asked, it's been like this for a while now, and I've been getting suspicious.

"I was asking him something"

"What were you asking him?"

"Oh uh it was a video idea i got"

"Okay..." I knew something was up. as sapnap walked away, I also went into my room sitting on my bed.

There hiding something from me..


<Georges pov>

Dream went to the drug store he didn't tell me why, but I was leaning on sapnap while we were watching a movie

I've grown more and more guilty as the time passed and me amd sapnap haven't gone further than take showers together

But he was stroking my waist and I liked it

I sighed happily until sapnaps hand went to my ass squeezed it, I turned to him and gave him a smug look

"What are you doing?" I asked with a smirk

"Having some fun with you darling"

God I loved it when he called me darling.

He smashed our lips together and we started moving together in a sensual way completly forgetting that dream would be there soon

We kept kissing and soon sapnap got his tongue in my mouth amd things went further than just the shower this time.

<dreams pov>

I finished getting what I want wich were my prescription for adhd pills wich I usually get, sapnap and george don't know this but it doesnt matter

I was leaving to get to my car and go back home.


I drive in the parking and grab my bottle of pills to hide it in my pocket and get out of the car.

I enter in the house and I see sapnaps shirt on the couch, maybe he was hot...I hope it's that, I remove my shoes and go upstairs but I hear something coming from his room

I decide to stick my ear on the door to listen to them

'God your so hot'

I heard. Or loud breathing and sensual noises

I knew it. They've been hiding this for I don't know how much time and now I was mad.

I barged in the room bot of them panicking when I did.

<sapnap's pov>

I heard the door open and I knew we were caught

"What the fuck?!" Dream shouted he looked mad, ive never seen him this mad before

I could see the guilt and fear in georges eyes.

"Dream this isnt what it looks like i-" I tried explaining but he cuted me

"Yes its what it looks like!" He shouted "it looks like you and george have been having a relation secretly without me knowing a dam thing!"

He continued: "i dont care that you guys have a thing for eachother its perfectly fine, but not telling me a thing is not okay!"

"Look im sorry i never told you..i just didnt want you to react badly about it" I explained

<3rd person pov>

"Look its fine" dream called calming down
"Just dont hide more things away from me, or eachother we need cant hide anything amymore"

George started to ask "then why did you go to the drugstore?"

Dream sighed "adhd pills"

"Oh okay sorry" george apologized

"Its fine im okay with it, you guys...can keep on doing what you were doing..."

"BUT i dont wanna hear anything from my room" dream mentioned

Sapnap and george chuckled and when dream left they kept on doing what they were cutted off of.

Happy that dream was okay with it and also exited because they didn't have to hide there secrets anymore

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