Chapter 6: Class Politics

Start from the beginning

Seeing someone's purchases could tell him a lot about them and today, now that everyone was settled, the largest purchases would be happening.

Would they buy sporty clothes, or would they perhaps spend their money on books? Did anyone suspect that there was something wrong with the point system and get the freebies?

All of this could be useful to know in the future, and since the classes of the day were over, he couldn't take a more direct approach anyway, such as walking into Class B during break time and approaching some of the students, pretending to be interested in becoming their friend and sniffing out their class representative in the meantime.

Did the other classes even have a class representative yet, he wondered. Maybe only Class A was unifying their class so far, he couldn't rule that out either.

Kakashi decided that he'd observe people's purchases until five PM, and then he'd go to see the club fair. He was after all interested in maybe joining a club - it was known that the clubs at this school ran at a very professional level, and several students were known and respected in their fields.

After the club fair would be when most of his plans would take place; it was prime time to do something about certain people misbehaving in his class, after all.


At the club fair, Kakashi ended up signing up for Judo.

While Kakashi was trained in Karate, he figured that it wouldn't be that hard to learn Judo as well.

Fighting made him feel relaxed and took his mind off things, so he was sure that Judo would end up turning into a therapeutic experience for him as well, and maybe it would help him manage the unexplainable bouts of anger he'd been feeling since yesterday.

A surprise encounter at the fair had ended up making him think about his run-in with the pink-haired girl today. He had admittedly been rash in his accusations, which was something he hadn't experienced before coming to this school.

He tended to overanalyze everything instead, but today, he'd been angry at so many things and someone dumping their lunch on him had been the last straw.

Then again, it wasn't as if he was the only one at fault. Haruno - he'd learned her name at the fair - had acted irrationally too by snapping at him so suddenly and getting so mad over nothing.

Well, he was willing to start over, so long as she was. He knew it wouldn't be fair to judge her based on that one interaction, especially since he hadn't acted well either.

Kakashi stopped walking as he arrived at the classroom that belonged to class 1-A. He'd taken the initiative and requested that all class 1-A students come here right after the fair was over. Whether they'd listened to him or not remained to be seen.

He opened the doors and to his astonishment, the class was full. Just by looking at the amount of people inside, he guessed that almost everyone had arrived, if not everyone.

"Hatake-san," Katsuragi greeted him with a nod. "I have no idea why you called us all here, but I trust that you have a good reason."

Kakashi looked towards where Arisu was, a smirk on her face. She was enjoying herself he could tell.

Resisting the urge to shake his head in annoyance, Kakashi walked to the front of the classroom where the teachers usually lectured, clearing his throat to draw everyone's attention. That by itself wasn't difficult at all, as Class A's students were unbelievably well-behaved.

"In light of something about this school I've discovered, I decided to call all of you here to inform you of this development as soon as possible. It might, after all, influence your next three years at this school and maybe even your life after you graduate." If you graduate, Kakashi adds to himself mentally.

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