14 3 4

after a long struggle of keeping my redden eyes wide open we finally arrived at the house ,but to my suprise....it was not where it was suppose to be, it was in a total different location a total different city and in the middle stood a large mansion with great wall heights 

i was frightened at the scene as my pulse incresed.....afterall i was not safe with my own husband 

"where are we?" i questioned straightening my back 

"at OUR home...?" he answered in a soft chuckle highlighting 'our' i suppose 

not funny. 

"this is not your house" i said looking around scanning the view outside my window, this was a place which i was totally not fimilar with cause i remember going to farahs place now and then for handouts and i remembered it was just a small apartment two streets away from my house

"yea its not....its ours, take it as a mehr (gift)" he said staring at me as his eyes scanning my every move and expressions 

A FREAKING MANSION!? AS A GIFT? why is he wasting so much money on something so useless cause i'd rather die than staying with this guy alone

i was already gonna pass out of sleep and had no energy to argue with this shit, i looked around for my cell only to find it far away in the back seat at an unreachable distance.....hopeless, i struggled taking of the seatbelt to get out as he streched his hand giving his own cell phone to me.....i was quick to take it and instantly called farah at that moment 


""why didnt you told me you changed your house?"" 

""well....it's suppose to be a suprise...""

""....i am not facinated farah, when are you comming?"" 


""WHAT!?""  the answer left me speechless 

""yea...with the others...were all gonna visit you tomorrow for a gathering"" 

"".......was the wedding not enough of a gathering?""

""no...i suppose.....why you wanna spend time with your husband?""

""wow....your hopeless....bye"" i cutted the call in an instant i've had enough of the tease i have been getting since morning and tried getting off the car as soon as possible......i didn't cared, i needed sleep and a place away from this man 

i tried opening the door...but it barely worked, i turned around to look for help only to find him already looking at me with his one hand resting on the stearing....like always....he never blinked and that simple small smile not leaving his face 

"dont stare at me like that" i stated scrunching my eyes 

"why?" he questioned....his tone was lazy like hes enjoying the view of me struggling 

"cause your weird" i answered with a straight face 

he took a big sign and went outside the car getting on my side to open my lock...............it opened?? 

"it was on child lock" he stated with a smile looking at my face and streached his hand to lend me out 

i stared at him blankly before speaking "does pagani have child locks?"  

"no they dont....i made some installations similar to child locks, dear" 

"why do you need child locks?" i asked with a concern as my face turned weirder and weirder at his actions 

"for you" he looked at me not bothering about the way he's looking at me mindlessly with the exact same light in his eye from the past hours 

"for me?" 

"yea..for you...so that you dont run away.." he said leaving me breathless........what is this creep?? is he gonna keep me like this? forever? the same thoughts came running through my mind......freedom....life.....misery....shit, i promised myself i was not gonna live a life like my aunt never.....what am i suppose todo now

i was already lost in thoughts which was disturbed by his deep voice 


my uncle..shit. shit .shit....i cant...never....i wont be trapped in the hands of anyone, I WONT i gathered my thoughts up and looked at him furiously 

"try...as much as you want, i will soon be gone" i said and stromed out of the car leaving his hands in the air and headed towards the door, which was also locked...obviously

even the word 'lock' was overwelming to me.....it felt like i was gonna be trapped for eternity, and this mansion will soon be suffocating to me, form somewhere i had this feeling of fear of loosing my freedom, no.. i wont let that happen ever.....i need to divorce him, to get ride of this life of chains 

soon enough i had foot steps behind me looked around me to see ali staring at me with eyes full of sorrow...like he was afraid of loosing something, perhaps he was 

"open it" i ordered to his face...i was not playing 

he slowly lowered his gaze at my anger and he raised his hand to present me a black box 

"whats this?" i quickned my tone and sharply piecered through him 

"it's your gift....only you can open it" he stated in a low tone.....what was he afraid of? 

i grabbed the box and opened it to find the keys....finally...i said and grabbed the key and throwed the box away and instantly opened the door to be introduced to a beautiful hallway with a coffee and caremell sent.......just like him.........wait, do i know how he smells like...the whole time...no no no 

i ignored the thought and began serching for a room...any room...

"the room...is upstairs...i will bring the bags" he stated behind me and ignorning him i went upstairs to find a room filled with red flowers

i hated it. just cause it represents love. and thats what i hate. 

till that time i waited for him to atleast  bring my suitecase, which after seconds he did 

"where are you going to sleep?" i questioned my tone was still stiff 

"here.." he answered 

"fine then i'll leave" i said a turned to grab my suitcase 

"no! you can stay here...we have other rooms" 

"fine" i didnt argue...and simply went ahed to throw all the bouquets and petals out of the room....unfortunatly they were all red 

out of the room he blankly stared at me, watching me throw bacically everything in red 

"do you not like it?" he questioned in a low tone 

"no...red colour gives me nostalgia and i hate it" i said removing the endless red in the giant room 

"noted" he basically wispered to himself but fortuantely i heard it and gaved him a look of dispare which shut him down for good 

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