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the next day came....and i was ready to beat farah's ass as soon as i see her.....and i do keep my words if i say so. i got ready for collage as soon as possible and headed towards collage

as like normal days i got to the gate and beagan looking for farah. i turned behind to see farah getting off the bike of her brother's and running towards me 

"omg nashwa!" she shouted running towards me carrying a big heavy bag 

"walk slowly your gonna rip your dress,and what's with that heavy bag?" i questioned while balancing her arms with my hands

"i heard the elevator was stuck and even you was there!"  she replied widening her eye's trying to balance herself over that heavy bag of hers 

"yea....and your brother was there too?"  

"i asked about you not him your more preious dear" she replied turning back to look at her brother who was gazing us through his helmet. i could feel the chills....and i hated it. and this time i was the one looking down instead of him......he changed 

"shall we head to the class?" i repied looking down holding her hand as she nodded 

"lets take the stairs shall we?" i told her while my eyes running though the whole campus ground 

"no way i am taking this bag up the stairs i'll faint" she replied in a dramatic way bending her neck downwards 

"hey dont u think the amount of students in the campus is alot more today?" i questioned...my eyes still roaming around the campus seeing the people i have never seen in my entire life even tho we study in the same collage 

"yea...as the prom is comming up.....in a week"  she replied with an obvious exhaled face 

"WHAT?  how come i didn't knew about this!?"  i was truly shocked. the collage year was about to end?

"maby you would if you just come out of you imaginary world" she scolded me.......wait i thought i was the one who was gonna scold her?

well before i could say anything she dragged me into the elevator containing atleast 10 people.....guess people ARE really exited for prom i thought.

and as soon as we got out of the elevtor and headed towards the class......it was not class......it felt like hallways where people are just gossiping eating chatting roaming and living their life 

"dont we have class today?" i asked with a smile on my face.....i liked the atmosphere 

"nope not at all until the prom ends.....i bought the whole bag for the preparations"

"to decorate the class?" i asked.i cant stop smiling.....these events barely happened in our collage even i was excited to the fulliest i must say 

"excuse me?" we heard a deep voice from behind.it was ali looking down at me.....he was covering his blind eye for the first time. he never did.....well i can't deny but his eye do scare me but once its covered i am good with it 

for the first time i didn't get chills when he looked at me cause he finally covered his eye.the blind one 

he looked at me in a confused manner and i realised i was standing at the entrance of the door...i quickly moved away leading him to go 

we together the whole class was busy preparing for the upcomming event.prom 

me and farah got ready to make big chats for our club

"hey did you brought your diary as i told you to?" she asked.her eyes focused on the chart drawing something with her two hands.....now i remember she told me to bring my diary as to take the signatures and pictures of our dear classmates

"oh yea i bought it....IT WAS IN MY HAND" my eyes bulged with realisation 

shit..i remembered....i didnt bother to keep the diary in my bag as i was running late in the morning. i left it near the gate of our collage....it had a bench for the security guards and watch men....i remembered i kept it there to relax my hand 

it didn't contained anything valuable but there was information of people i have met in my life...all the bad and good qualities in them....i was still scared that if someone i know will find it i will be gone for sure

"dude i will be back in a minute.wait for me" with that i ran out of the class running for the stairs...i had no time to wait for the lift 

i reached the gound gate....the distance was long enough to had me begging for breath. i looked up to the bench only to find it lost

ahhh.....me and my careless self...i said to myself as i heard a similar voice from behind 

"searching for this?" 

i looked back to find ALI standing there looking down at me with a slight smile..holding.the.book

ohhhh.....noo.....no..no..no..no..no..no!! shit i messed up bad 

"ahh...yes" i replied with a pale face.i was lost in thoughts as he handed me the book keeping a distance and moving away like a damn wind 

my heart beated fast......i messed up....did he read the diary? obviously he did.....the reason he was covering his eye was me 

cause i worte things about his eye....i said it creeps me out.....i said its scary....omg. i messed up bad. i wanted to say sorry but he simply went 

"nashwa..nashwa!!!" i looked up to see farah calling me.....can i say this to her?? i am afraid i cant i wrote such bad things about her own brother. i cant.....i really cant...

she snapped me out of my thoughts by dragging me by my hand 

"dude u said u were here to take the diary.u got it now lets goooo" 

with that she held my hand and took me to the class.....and i saw him there....looking at me...his eyes look dead...what have i done 

the day went past..it felt heavy i hurted a person and i dont know how to solve it 

maby i should say sorry after the collage ends?? GAHHHHH i needed to gather my thoughts to say sorry i.need.to fine i will 

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