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Then there, when I looked up after my fallen position, I saw him. The way he screamed and yelled. I saw the villagers surrounding him, back away in disgust, and horror. So many negative feelings had gone off in this moment. I felt weak. But I kept watching the monstrosity. The black substance spewing out of his eyes, back, forming like tentacles. I watched my brother change before my eyes. He looked at me one last time. And I heard the words: "Don't forget who I used to be." Come out of his mouth, before he coughed up even more of the disgusting black spews. And finally transformed into what does not look like my brother at all. I hoped, and wished, that this was dream, or nightmare. That I would wake up, to my brother holding me beside the tree. But unfortunately, that wasn't true. And I still sat there in horror. Until all of the sudden, he whipped out his tendrils, and started killing the villagers all who surrounded him. They cut threw the air at great speed. Leading to the villagers, death and pain. He sliced them, stabbed them, and choked them to death. The blood of innocence covered the ground. How I saw loved ones trying to hold onto their life with the little strength they have left, filled me with even more negativity. Weakening me to an even more extreme level, and I still cried. I cried, while he started talking to me. Telling me in a new, scary voice that did not remind me of my dear brother: "Why are you crying? They deserve this. Can't you see?". I tried to reply to him: "I know they've done horrible things. That doesn't mean they need to die!" He started laughing madly. He really did change. I had come to the conclusion that all the negativity in all those apples he consumed, corrupted him totally. To a point he could never return. I looked at the black thing, as he told me: "Lies, lies, everyone deserves pain. They're all dumb. They said that I was bad so I'll be it. All of them will regret everything!". He kept laughing. And it didn't seem like he was talking to me, I saw him as insane. I felt defeated. And I still cried, looking around the area. To see broken families, orphans, and children. I wondered where was the beautiful world that used to once live here. I wondered where were the girls who picked flowers? The kids playing? Where had everything gone? I still tried to believe my brother was in there. Slowly getting closer to the black mass. While still holding the last positive apple in my hands. The one I used to treat the Elder. I thought that it was the solution to this whole mess. That it could possibly, return Nightmare back to his original self. I told him while sobbing my heart out: "Brother, why did you do this?.." "Please tell me you're still in there..". That was until what used to be my brother, saw what I held in my hand. He stared at it for a good second. To only shoot one of his tendrils at my neck with a smile on his face. Choking me in order to make me give him the positive apple. I cried. I never imagined myself being thrown down like this, in my position. Especially from my own brother. It was so painful. And I couldn't escape in any way. I yelled out: "It hurts!". As he continued to strangle me and hold out his hand. Acting as an offer for my life and the apple. But I knew what would happen if I gave it to him. All positive feelings would be lost. Negativity would rule the entire multiverse. Nobody would ever feel happiness again. And I would never, let that happen. The best option for me to save the positive feelings, was to eat the apple. In a desperate attempt to save the positive emotions, I ate the apple. Keeping the feelings safe in my body. But when I ate it, I felt so, different. The power of the apple invaded my body, and I accepted its power. The apple acted as my soul now. What I could've done was run away. But the cries of the villagers made me stop. I couldn't just let this happen so easily. I wanted to defeat my now evil brother. So I summoned a light staff, in order to defeat him. I looked back at the black monster, who seemed irritated. I noticed that my positive aura made some tendrils disappear. This filled me with more confidence, as I knew he would be weaker now that I consumed the golden apple. Even if his aura was like 20 times larger than mine, I still held my ground. But I still wasn't sure if violence would ever solve this. And I still was really new to these powers. We stood apart from each other for a moment. Until he attacked me. He chased me, but I was so confused. Because I wasn't used to my new power and all the negativity in this area, I couldn't focus. It seemed like my brother used this opportunity to attack me from my back. I wished I hadn't been distracted, I could've saved everyone here. It was too late. I fell to the ground, I couldn't move. I laid there, in fear as I felt like my body was becoming hard and stiff. It started at my feet and slowly made its way up my body. I finally realized I was turning to stone. It was too late before I was unconscious, for centuries. In this statue form, laid down on the ground of the now destroyed universe of Dreamtale

Dream's perspective of pages 23 to 39 in the Dreamtale comicWhere stories live. Discover now