Too Late to Apologize

Start from the beginning

Layla: I know you still love me, you just angry and need time-

Veronica: Ha ha ha ha ha, bitch I fucken hate you more than you hate me. At least I'm not sneaky about not liking you unlike you. You thought you successfully hid your hatred from me right?
Oh I could see it from the start I was just caught up by useless feelings.

Layla: I don't hate you Veronica. If I did I would of just handed you to them.

Veronica: But you did! You let Emily collect data on me. Even dying my hair won't protect me this time and it's all your fault! You kept using my real name till she made the connection.
Now I have to live the rest of my life in hiding.
You were too busy sleeping with Emily to understand why she was there.

Layla: I didn't sleep with Emily. I would never do that to you!

Veronica: Still lying huh? I saw it! A video of you in some club, go ahead deny it.

Layla: That's an old video!!! After I started dating you, I didn't cheat I swear.

Veronica: I don't believe a word you saying. You took Emily's side without question. You wouldn't even hear me out.

Layla: that's why I called. Emily kept changing the story and I figured that she must of wrongfully accused you. I want to hear your side of the story.

Veronica: It's too late. It's too late for an apology or further communication. If I see you magically near me or my family well again,
I think you know what will happen.

Layla: No Veronica I'm coming to see you everyone makes mistakes!

Veronica: I fucken dare you. They will have a hard time looking for your corpse I swear.

Layla: You just angry and need time to cool off.

Veronica: And you need to humbly lay in the bed that you made. I should clap for you. Nice show you did there.
Convincing me that I could spend the rest of my life with you. Really touching stuff. You must feel really good about yourself after beating the drums of war.

Layla: As if you can forgive betrayal yourself.
See my point? You expected me to forgive you?
Did you come back running to me after I apologized?

Veronica: And there she is ladies and gentlemen. The cobra in rabbit skin.
The Famous Icy Billionaire!
I knew the mask will fall off if I tried hard enough.

Layla: My sister is safe and sound. I just wanted to improve your mood.
Did it feel amazing to feel like you had the upper hand?
We will find all of you Veronica.
Even if you'll hiding inside the ocean.
When I do it's on sight. You wouldn't have time to react as I cut off your head and Mail it to Karla.
The sex was good though right? You sure scream loudly for a-

(Veronica hung up)

My tears watered instantly despite myself. I obviously didn't want any of this but what choice do I have?

So this is how it is between us? We are now threatening each other on the phone? How did it all fall apart so easily? Why did we let things get here.

I'm taking Layla's threat to heart. I'll tell Venice that she called and knows that I've left the country. I atleast held a small hope that this was some misunderstanding.

But it's not. There is not a time where Layla's looked at me with affectionate that was genuine. For her to bring up sex like it was all part of some bigger joke is a new low.

I wiped my tears, deciding that I was better off than her. The Mafia will come for Arrow and corrupt her, turn her into a thief and a killer and she will wish, she didn't burn the bridge that connected me to her.

I hate her so much!!!!!! She just called to play stupid mind games. She's a bigger asshole than Joshua had warned me she is. Once I recover emotionally, she won't get away with this.

"Veronica? What happened? You crying again.
You answered the call in hopes that Layla would say how much she loves you and miss you?
Why do you keep doing that to yourself?"

Asked Venice as he gave me a much needed hug.

(Months later)

I was so indifferently that it was scary.
After counselling, I went on missions until my heart had successfully turned into stone.

It became about taking out the Mafia one by one.

Claire and I were friends with benefits. She asked me out on a date and I agreed. I didn't tell Ryan, Joshua or Venice.

I took a bath and dressed up real nice, in black pencil heels leather black pants and pink leather crop top.
Claire looked amazing wearing a emerald open neck shirt dress with white pencil 6 inch heels.

When we entered her car. She gave me a huge flower boocay. It's funny how I didn't feel nothing about it. But I'm not without manners so I thanked her.

We entered in a restaurant and sat down. Claire quietly looked at the menu. Something is off about her today, she looks nervous.

Suddenly a waitress locked the door putting a closed sign. She took off a wig and face mask. No fucken way!

"Surprise!?!!!!!!!! Veronica it's been a whole minute hasn't it?"

Said Chloe,
pulling a chair to sit Infront of me. Than a man than looked firmiliar walked out dramatically and smiled at me.

"You thought you could hide right?"

Said Miles,
all smug and sat on the table. Everyone here turned out to be disguised as customers but when they all pointed their guns at me it became obvious.

Someone on the inside fed them information. Claire betrayed all of us.
Miles smiled at Claire and snapped his fingers for someone to hand her the brief case. She opened it and saw the money and smiled satisfied.

"I'll need more time to lead you to Venice.
I can't have him on to me, I need to pretend that it was all a coincidence."

Said Claire smiling at Miles. Who laughed loudly before agreeing. Miles called Layla through video call.
He told her to end the search and said my siblings will now come to him willing. When Layla asked why, he showed her that he had caught me and I'm surrounded by guns.

Layla gritted her teeth and insisted that it was a trap but Miles wasn't having it. Claire is a traitor and a demon, can't believe I trusted her.

"I'm going to have alot of fun torturing you!
You'll pay for wrongfully accusing me of rape.
I'll chop off your toes and fingers till you talk."

Said Miles,
smiling cruelly and I remained calm.

"I took your side and told the judge we were in a relationship.
I went out of my way and lied that you didn't rough me up during sex.
You know damn well that you got arrested because you are wanted for killing the cheif of police.
And that Chloe stole your diamonds and gave it to Layla.
You are only here because you can't live without me."

I said smiling and I stunned them with new information. That's right it's easier to blame a person not related to you.

"But go ahead paint me as the bitter ex who wrongfully accused you.
Your men now know the truth and those that don't will watch the video."

I said and another guy stood up to speak.

"Let's watch the court video as see if Veronica did testify against Miles."

He said and to Miles dismay they did and Chloe who was brain wash to believe that Miles arrest was Venice's fault was shocked. Everyone was quiet and tense.

*Author here*

Uh oh Miles you are bustard!
You went all around the world lying to get the Mafia's backing to look for your ex Veronica.
I wonder how will the Mafia feel about this?
The wasting of the time and the resources for an obsession he can't get over?
Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, stealing from the Mafia is a risk and being exposed is even worse.
I wonder what's the penalty for stealing diamonds and lying that someone else did it.
Thank you for read, voting and please comment on characters you like or hate. I love you lots, see you in the next chapter.

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