Update/entry #7.5

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Hi everyone, sorry I have been away for a while I have been very busy lately because of school and I have also been very sick, but I am back now. I will try to start to write more regularly, but I can't promise that will happen because I am still in school. I have restarted my research, and my next entries will be about my research since I have already written about my experiences. Also, I am going to keep track of everything that is happening in my house because I have seen shadow figures at night but when I check the area where I saw them in there's absolutely nothing, when I am alone there's a scent of liquor, dirt, and blood mixed together, and I still feel like I'm being watched. well, that's everything new that wanted to talk about, let me know what you think of that, and let me know what you all think the liquor, dirt, and blood smell is coming from. I hope you all have a good rest of your day/night, and I will write again soon, bye. 

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