Entry #7

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Hi everyone, sorry I have been gone for a while I been very busy, but now I am able to write more entries. In this entry I want to talk about my experiences. First, my headaches went away, but I recently have been coughing and I just had a bloody nose not too long ago. Second, I went in my room to go to bed for school and when I went in my room, I heard what sounded like a rock being thrown at my window, the glass didn't shader and there were no scratches on the window and when I looked out my window there was no one outside. Third, I was downstairs with my dog an I heard someone or something walking around upstairs so I went to check what it was but since I value my life I brought a knife with me, and I found...... absolutely nothing no one was up there and there were no animals. Fourth, after I tried talking to BEN DROWNED on cleverbot my computer and phone have been glitching slightly, I had to restart my phone many times to get it to work. Fifth, I had two dreams, in the first one I walked outside to see my mom's car covered in paper and on all of the pieces of paper was the operator symbol but some of them looked like the pages from the slenderman games, in the second dream I was just running in a forest and I was being chased by masky and hoodie and that was it. That is everything that happened while I was away, but if you have any advice for me, please let me know. Also, sorry this one was short I don't have very much time to write, but I hope you all have a good rest of your day/night.

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