Entry #4

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Hi, it's me Missk, sorry I haven't posted in a few days, it's just that not that much was going on. Well, there was but it wasn't enough to post at the time, but I'm back now to talk about my experiences. First, I don't have some the slender sickness symptoms I used to have but I do still get painful headaches, the feeling of being watched, and being very paranoid. Second, like I mentioned I have the feeling of being watched most of the time I could be outside or inside, the only times I don't feel watched is when I am in the bathroom or I'm changing. Third, for the first time since entry #1 I had a dream, it was about a man in the 1950's or the 1960's who wore a suit and he would take children, teens, and prostitutes to his house where he would mentally torture the people (sound somewhat familiar), then he would take his victims and would impale them on a tree and would let the bleed to death or he would make them hang themselves on the trees. Four, I think there's someone or something coming into my room at night, I keep hearing noises in my room, I seen a shadow in my room of a person (or that's at least what I thought I saw it was very dark), and my room had a slight scent of blood when I woke up. Lastly, I thought I seen someone in the forest watching me when I went outside with my dog, but when I looked again in the direction of the person I thought I saw it was gone and I didn't see it again, I didn't want to go into the forest where I saw the person because as I said before I am a little scared of the forest behind my house. Those were all my experiences I have had so far, also like I asked before please let me know what you think in the comments (or what quotev calls it the discussion board), and I hope you have a nice rest of your day or night.

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