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"I just wanna know you better."
Everything Has Changed
Taylor Swift

I managed to wake myself up and I was outside the Scobell's at 10.18am, Leena answered the door before I knocked.

"Hey Bethany, come in. Walker's just upstairs having a shower." She brought me upstairs, "We can wait in his room." She reached over to the desk and started eating some crisps, "Want some?"

"I'd love some."

While we waited Leena told me all about Erie, the school and the people, what's fun and what's a waste of time.

"You'll be in Walker's class so he can look after you."

"What about me? Oh hey Bethany." Walker came into the room in a baggy shirt and batman pj bottoms and wet hair.

"Love the Batman trousers,"

"Thanks, glad their getting the appreciation they deserve,"

"All I said is they're a bit childish. And we were just discussing how you don't wash your hands after you shit."

"That's gross and I do." He paused, "Are you eating my crisps?"

"No." Leena said, mouth full.

"Whatever, so Bethy, what did you want to do today?"

"I thought you could only go out tomorrow?"

"Yeah I had a publicity event but it got cancelled so I got the whole day free."

"Famous people huh?" Leena stood up "I'll leave you to it."

"Wait we might need a lift,"

"Take the bus!" And she was gone. Just me and Walker.

"Well, where do you want to go that we can take the bus or walk to?"

"I don't really know places, we haven't explored yet."

"Well in that case, let's explore."

"Okay I'll just text my Dad and let him know."

"Cool do you mind if I just get changed quickly and then I'll be good to go." I stepped outside for a minute while he changed and then we headed into town.

"So this is my favourite cafe it does a banging hot chocolate."

"I'll have to try it sometime. Winter maybe, don't fancy exploded with heat."

"Why not? Sounds like a fun day out to me. But they also do ice cream."

"Okay now we are talking." We went inside and the man at the counter knew Walker immediately,

"The usual?"

"Not today Leo, this is Bethany she doesn't want a hot chocolate but its too hot apparently, however ice cream is the way to go."

"They do say ice cream is the way to a girls heart," Walker laughed

"We aren't dating."

"Oh sorry, I assumed."

"It's okay, I just moved here, Walker's showing me about."

"And your cafe is first stop of course."

"Glad to be of service, what ice cream do you want?"

"I'll have a chocolate please, since I'm not getting a hot one."

"I'll have the same." Walker went to the counter and went to pay,

"Wait, I can pay for myself,"

"No no no, think of it as a welcoming gift."

"You know what? Since you're new it's on the house." We left the cafe and started to wander down the street,

"I can't believe we got free ice cream."

"What can I say I'm just so charming," We wandered towards the park to sit down,

"Hey Walker!" We passed a guy on a skateboard,

"Bye Oscar!" Walker shouted as he zoomed past. He got greeted multiple times as we walked.

"I fell like everyone knows you here."

"It's a small town, you'll make friends really easily trust me. You've already got one."

"And he's the best of all,"

"Already learning see?" I laughed.

"It is nice to have a friend. Starting to feel like home a little more already."

"Well we should do this again, I can introduce you to some people and then you'll feel properly at home."

"I hope so. I'm really glad your my neighbour though, you're being so kind showing be about."

"To be honest, I just want to get to know you better. You seem awesome."

"I am awesome. So are you."

When we reached the park we sat down on the grass and Walker whipped out snacks from his pocket,

"You're like the Candy man."

"Like? I am the Candy man."

As we snacked we talked about his acting. I was super interested in what it was like, how he got involved etc.

"I've always loved acting, but it's always been like an impossible dream for me."

"I felt the same, but then I got cast. You never know. If you get an opportunity, do it. You might get lucky."

"Luck isn't my forte."

"You seem lucky to me. You got a lovely family, house, singular friend,"

"I guess you're right, I am pretty lucky to be sitting next to the Percy Jackson right now."

"I am him, he is me." And I was lucky, so lucky. Walker truly was amazing, and I couldn't wait for the friendship to bloom.

Walker Scobell- ◦•●◉✿It's Nice To Have A Friend✿◉●•◦Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang