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"Untouchable burning brighter than the sun, now that you're close I feel like coming undone."
Taylor Swift

"Heather thank you so much for the lift,"
"Of course sweetie,"
"So how you feeling?" Walker asked
"Not too bad."
"Can you tell?"
"Kinda. It is your first day at a new school though, it's understandable."
"Don't worry about it, I will be with you all day to make sure you're okay. I asked the Principal and she put you in my class so you can't escape from me now."
"Don't stress." That was impossible. As we pulled up to the gate I could see all the other students walking in and my head started to spin.
"Good luck Bethany! Walker keep an eye on her."
"Yes mum, my eyes won't look anywhere else,"
We started walking but I felt myself pause, but Walker grabbed my arm and pulled me forward. He kept hold of my arm as we entered the building and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I wasn't sure if it was because of the sudden contact or my nerves.
"Ah, you must be Bethany Morgan," A kind but stern-faced lady stood infront of me,
"Bethy this is Principal Gusher."
"I see Mr Scobell has already taken care of you,"
"Yes he has."
"Well in that case he can escort you from lesson to lesson, Walker make sure she gets a tour of the school, you can skip registration as long as she gets the full tour and try to help her settle in. Best of luck Miss Morgan."
Walker took me on a tour of the school, starting with the classrooms and ending with the fields, then he took me to the library.
"This is my favourite part of the place," I took it all in. There were countless shelves stacked to the brim with books and books. No wonder Walker loved it. "Sometimes I come here after school to relax, you should join me sometime."
"Maybe I will,"
"Okay well before you get trapped in the magic we should make our way to first period. And then at break I can introduce you to my friends."
"Okay," I said, stressed again,
"They'll love you, I promise." As we walked to the class I started thinking about how grateful I was that I found Walker. He was being so kind to me, I would be lost without him.
"Thank you for all this,"
"For what?"
"Helping me, you're a very kind person." And he was beautiful too.
"So are you."

At lunch he took me through the queue and took me over to his friends. It was a small group, there was another boy and a girl, Luke and Eloise, they were a couple so I assumed Walker was basically their third wheel, or as he called it "Practice Child".
"Hey Bethany it's so nice to meet you Walker wouldn't stop talking about you,"
"Yeah it's constant Bethy this, Bethy that,"
"Luke!" The two of the started laughing at his reaction,
"I'm glad I mean so much to you Walker,"
"It wasn't as bad as they're making it seem," his cheeks flushed red,
"I think it's sweet" Eloise said to Luke "He hasn't made a friend in a while,"
"I make friends all the time,"
"Outside of Percy Jackson?"
"Most people use you for fame Walker, that's the truth."
"You are starting to sound like a mum."
"Well that makes you a dad."
"And this makes me a child?"
"Exactly." The both of them said. I could tell I was going to love them both.
"Walker add Bethany to the groupchat later, I love her already,"
"I love you already too,"
"Good, I've been desperate for fellow girl in the group, although Walker is rather feminine as it is,"



*walkerrr added you to the group

Hey bethany!

Unknown 2-
Hey girlll

*You added Unknown as luke!!
*You added Unknown 2 as eloise🫶

hey guyss

Do u lot want to go see a movie tomorrow

depends what it is

It's an avengers film


Someone's listening now

Other than walker we all wanna go?

i'd love to

if you all are then yes

I will book it then, dont bother paying me it's a treat for bethy

awh thanks girl are you sure?

Yes of course x

can you buy me popcorn as well

Say no

Absolutely not.

greedy pig

says the girl who ate all my crisps

so you're calling me a greedy pig now?

wait no
i didn't say that
that was sneaky

talk to the hand

i can see you through the window
you're smiling


thats not creepy

no as in like im in the garden and i can see into your kitchen

yeah i can see you

Taylor swift?

forever and always!!

my mum wants to know if you want dinner
she says your whole family can come shes cooked too much

my parents are out so aidans cooking but i will ask him

Have you guys heard of private chat?

sorry mum x

We will be over in 5

It's giving lovers
Double date?


When we got back Aidan came into my room,
"You like him."
"What? Who?" Did he mean Walker?
"Walker." Yes he did.
"No I don't"
"'Maybe you haven't realised yet, but trust me you do."
"Well when you finish being in denial, talk me to pleaseee. I'm desperate for some tea, anyways I ship it."
"Glad I got the stamp of approval, not that I want it" Or maybe I do?
"Whatever you say Bethy, I saw that smile"

Walker Scobell- ◦•●◉✿It's Nice To Have A Friend✿◉●•◦Where stories live. Discover now