➖ Rebound: Merry

Start from the beginning

The plates on the table were empty – almost ready to be placed back into the cabinets. Haise was a bit disappointed that the team didn't leave a little bit for Hayami. But her being late was maybe for the best. He did get a bit ahead of himself when he called her out for dinner – it would only raise the question of why I was not eating.

"Alright." Haise raised from his chair. "Are you all ready for the presents?"

"Yeah! Presents!" Saiko cheerfully exclaimed – with Shirazu following.

The Christmas tree had been decorated by Tooru, Shirazu and Saiko; and it stood tall in the corner of the living room. Urie, just as always, decided not to participate and instead, he occupied himself in the gym. Haise was even surprised he decided to join them for the Christmas dinner. They all gathered around the Christmas tree while Urie just sat on the couch, watching them with arms crossed over his chest.

Everyone received something from someone – only Urie did not participate in gift-giving. Haise considered it a bit rude that he didn't even try to participate. However, he didn't want to blame him – it was just Christmas; gift-giving was not that necessary. Haise was content with the fact he was actually present with them during dinner. But despite his inactive gift-giving, he received from others a pair of black gloves, a manga, a quinque keychain and wristbands.

Now I feel pathetic – Urie thought as she saw all those gifts in his hands that he opened. He didn't understand what was so joyful about gift-giving, but it seemed it was another way of saying how much people care about others. And Urie cared little, possibly not at all.

A ring bell rang through the Chateau and everyone stopped what they were doing. They stared in the direction of the hallway that led to the doorway and then, everyone's eyes focused on Haise. It took Haise just a second before his feet took him in the direction of the doorway.

"Please behave." Haise warned him before he disappeared behind the well.

Haise stopped just for a moment to look at himself in the mirror. Do I look okay? He was dressed in a dark blue sweater over a white dress shirt that was pushed in his dark gray pants. He looked decent. It was the first time he would present himself in front of Hayami in casual clothes and not in the clothes of Ghoul Investigator.

Haise cleaned his throat before his hands wrapped around the doorknob and he pulled the door open. His heart stopped for just a beat when he saw Hayami standing there. Hair up in a ponytail and minimalistic makeup adorning her face. Beautiful...She was stunning as always. Whatever in her messy workaholic outfits or formal attires.

"Merry Christmas!" Hayami greeted with a smile adorning her lips.

Haise was relieved to see her. "You came!"

"Sorry for postponing at the last minute." She gave him an apologetic look. "Hana – I mean, the client had a really bad mental breakdown. I couldn't just ignore her." That was yesterday, but he doesn't have to know that part.

"No, it's okay, don't apologize." Haise laughed it off. "Come in."

Hayami offered him a smile before she stepped forward. "Here." She raised her hand, revealing a paper bag. "I hope you have room for cookies."

Haise took the bag off her hand and peeked inside. "You didn't have to." He saw various cookies in plastic boxes. "You made them?" Hayami proudly nodded – content with how those cookies ended up looking.

Haise placed the paper bag aside for a moment as he helped Hayami – like a true gentleman – take off her warm coat and place it onto the hanger. And just like any indecent gentleman, his eyes traveled down her body. The dark red dress hugged her body perfectly – showing every curve of her figure. He had never really seen her figure – she would always wear baggy clothes or a coat.

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