Part 12

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Yoshi's POV:

I didn't even notice that Lily disappeared somewhere until Collin's mom spoke at the dinner table.

"And where did Lily go? Wasn't she here just a minute ago?" She said but didn't sound too worried about the girl's disappearance.

"Meeh, who knows." Alpha Greg shrugged and sat down at the table. I noticed that he didn't seem bothered either. I wasn't feeling any sparks between me and Lily, but it appeared that they weren't either. As I sat at the table, Collin took a seat right beside me and gently held my hand. The warmth of his touch sent a comforting feeling down my spine. We all engaged in a lively conversation, discussing a wide range of topics, from hobbies to favourite food. Despite the chatter and laughter around us, Collin's presence felt like a peaceful haven, a safe harbour.

"So -"After finishing her meal, Viviane intertwined her fingers and began to speak with a sense of delight. "Have you talked about your future? I don't want to appear as nosy or something, but you have to understand my excitement. We always wanted the best for our Collin, and you seem to be the best fit for him, just like you were made especially for each other. That's why I'm so enthusiastic and eager to know more." As I gazed at her, I couldn't help but notice her inquisitive expression and the way her voice sounded particularly curious. However, her demeanour was not intimidating in any way and did not make me feel hesitant or reserved. In fact, it had the opposite effect - I felt compelled to share everything with her. From the elaborate wedding plans I had already made, and the number of puppies I wanted to have, to the detailed picture of our future home, complete with my preferred furniture. I am aware that my thoughts may have ventured a little too far ahead, but I couldn't help but want to share them with her. I smiled, blushing.

"Me and Collin didn't talk about details that much, but if you want to ask something specific I'm sure we'll both be able to answer your questions," I responded, feeling this nice satisfaction that we're talking about that specific topic I liked so much.

"Perfect! Then, for the beginning, tell me, when are you planning to complete the bond. I can sense you had marked each other already, but I can tell the bond isn't complete yet." She looked concerned and then added. "Don't get me wrong, you can take as much time as you need, but usually couples do both just in one night. It's pretty hard for alphas to hold back, especially dominant ones."

"We know, mom. " Collin spoke calmly. "But remember Yoshi's only 18. It's only natural for him to want to take it slowly. And I don't want to push him to do something he's not ready for yet." He explained to his parents. I was glad Collin was this understanding and patient. But Viviane's words got me thinking. Was it hard for Collin? Was he struggling to hold back? It's not like I wasn't ready, I was just a little scared. Something in my mind was telling me I wouldn't be enough for my mate. He might not feel satisfied and leave me. I heard stories where Alpha didn't feel satisfied enough, and on the night when they and Omega had to mate completely, they left them when the sex wasn't pleasing enough. I know my reasons for holding back might sound childish and stupid, but I couldn't help the uneasiness that crept into me. The thought of being left alone by Collin made me terrified, I didn't even want to imagine it.

"We understand." Said Greg, showing me his sympathy.

"Alright, alright, let's move on to the next question." Viviane tried to change the topic, and I was really grateful for that. "As you already know, you are going to be the future, Luna. Are you ready for that? Are you willing to take my place and take care of this pack? As you know, the Luna is really important for the pack and its wolves, as important as Alpha. Luna is the one that unites people and takes care of those who need it. The Alpha is the leader, but without their Luna, they are helpless, much or less." Viviane shook her head, and Greg only sighed, agreeing with her. I smiled.

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