Part 4

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Collin's POV:

After everything I've got to do, I got in my car and started driving home. I decided I needed to wash myself first and then I could go to meet with my precious mate. Hunter growled all day because Yoshi wasn't at my side. I also felt uneasy because of that. I pulled out my phone to see if someone (Yoshi precisely) texted or called me. I turned it off while working because of instant calls from my father's beta I got recently. He always called me with concerns and all kinds of requests when he could easily handle them himself and it just started irritating me. I furrowed at one Yoshi's call I didn't pick up. It was sent at almost 1 PM, and I told him I was still working at that time. It was 5 PM now and he didn't call me again after that one call. I sensed something wasn't right so I called him instantly. The only thing I heard was a voicemail telling me that I couldn't reach him now. I subconsciously pressed the gas pedal harder deciding I was going straight to his house. The ride that was supposed to take me about 40 minutes took me only 20. Still too slow. I parked in front of his house and rushed to the front door. I rang the bell. No answer. I rang a few more times pacing nervously and getting even more stressed. 

What the fuck is going on?

Still, I felt that Yoshi's in the house. I was ready to strike the door when a thought came to me immediately. He once said that they had a spare key to the back door. I rushed to the back of the house, found the key, and quickly entered the house. A strong scent attacked my nostrils immediately. It was my mate's scent but stronger and even more... arousing...

He's in heat.

I thought to myself. I stopped my movements, thinking about what should I do in this situation when a painful scowl came from the upper floor. I didn't even think about anything else as I started running in Yoshi's room direction. The closer I got the scent was even more mind-numbing. It took everything in me to stop myself from snapping completely. The scent was so heavenly I thought I could just pass out from it. The scowl repeated as I came closer to the door of Yoshi's room. I took a deep breath and entered the room. What I saw completely shocked me.

My mate was lying in his bed, without his pants or underwear. He covered himself with his T-shirt which was completely soaked already. He panted heavily and moaned at the lightest move, sobbing and crying. The view destroyed me completely as I just stood there. His hand went to his butt and started rubbing himself but immediately stopped and looked at me, firstly in shock but then he frowned in helplessness and cried out:

"C-Collin! I'm- I need-!" He started but the sobbing returned and stopped him from saying more. He bit his lips and shrank himself even more. "I ca-an't... huuugh... Please it hurts... D-do something- Aghh-!" 

'Don't just stay here like an idiot! Don't you see he's hurting?!' Hunter yelled. He was pissed at my helplessness. He was right. I needed to help him. I started getting closer as I drowned in the scent of my mate. My dick was painful. I was wondering how's it possible that I didn't completely snap out yet. I stood before Yoshi's little trembling figure. That was enough, I had to help him no matter what. I bent down at him, my arms grabbing his sensitive body. I moved back with him to lean against the bed frame and put him between my legs. Yoshi leaned against my torso, my face in his hair, taking in his smell. He scowled again, this time in an even higher tone.

This is bad.

"Mate..." He moaned, pressing hard on his member with his hand. What was he doing? That must've hurt. "I- I can't stoooop~" He moaned again. " My body- won't listen- to me..." He pressed on it even harder, like he tried to punish himself in that way, to stop it from being hard.

"What are you doing? Stop it! You're going to hurt yourself by pressing on it like that!" I scolded him and took his hands off of his crotch. He cried out in response. I held his wrists in one hand and hugged him with another arm. He was so small that I covered him almost entirely with my arms. The embrace was solid and in an attempt to calm him down more, I released my pheromones. It seemed to work because he stopped shivering that much. I started to stroke him while kissing his head. "You're alright... I'm here now. Everything's alright." I tried to calm him as much as I could. He suddenly spoke with a trembling voice.

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