Part 2

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Yoshikazu's POV:

We decided to meet up at 5 PM. At that time, I had already completed my homework and had dinner. I refreshed myself a little and was ready to go. I was wearing comfortable clothes- as always. I didn't like the feeling of suffocation caused by tight clothes.

I was a bit earlier than others. We decided to meet in front of the school's parking lot because that was the only place I knew at the time. Tiff showed up about five minutes later and Sam came a few minutes after her. 

"Matt sent me a message, he's gonna be late because of a friend of his. They're going to come together." Sam informed us.

"With his friend? Why and do I know him?" Tiff asked with a frown.

"Apparently, this friend is kind of depressed lately and Matt wants to get him out somehow. And you met him already, Tiff. He's that guitar guy, ALPHA GREG'S SON, remember?"

"Oooh, THE guitar guyyy." Tiff appeared to remember the individual. " Ha? Depressed? He was a real sunshine when I last saw him. What happened?"

"Well I don't know much but Matt told me it's some "mate issues"." He shrugged.

We talked for about 10 more minutes until I noticed two big guys walking towards us. One slightly bigger than the other. The slightly shorter one (still fuckin' big what was going on) had dark hair and tanned skin. He screamed "confidence" with his buff posture. When he reached us his first move was to hug and kiss Sam. I assumed that was Matt.                                                                   When the second guy came closer I felt a scent. A strong scent of wood and earth, that was the only way I could describe it. My head started spinning. I looked at him. He was over two meters tall, had messy red hair that reached his mid-neck, and stunning green eyes that looked really tired at that moment. He wore gray sweatpants and a sleeveless hoodie so his big muscled arms were shown. Before seeing him with my own eyes I would never believe such a god-looking person was walking on this earth. Duh, living in the same city. My heart started pounding and it started getting really hot, the feeling similar to the heat. But my heat wasn't any soon?

The redhead man immediately looked in my direction. His stare was intense and his pupils unsteady.

"Mate." The unknown man said in a low voice. I gulped in shock. He started getting closer and closer. I don't know what got into me but I was so startled that I didn't even think and quickly ran off in some random direction. My heart was pounding, my hands sweaty, and breath unsteady.


I couldn't believe it. And what the hell got into me? Why the heck I ran off? I could just normally talk with the man and everything would be alright. Right? Although he looked scary as if he was in some kind of trance. I never even properly spoke with an alpha, which he clearly was. That encounter really startled me. And mate? Was that even possible? I mean it was but I never even dreamed of an Alpha, especially, one that looked like him. And on top of everything else I ran. I was running from an alpha and everyone always told me not to run away from an alpha! That was suicidal behavior especially when the said alpha is aggressive. I didn't know this man and I could only hope that he's gonna let me go alive. Goddess, please spare me...

Alpha's POV:

"I told you, I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying here." I spoke to my best friend, Matt, with a rancor. He wanted to take me out to the city whilst I, preferred to stay at home. Especially now. Something got me and now my alpha is constantly longing for a mate. He makes us both sad and heartbroken at the same time. It has been like this for a few months now. I was simply tired. I always wanted a mate, my soulmate but never this bad and I don't know what got into me. I even went to see the doctor but she didn't diagnose anything wrong. I felt lost and empty and recently when Matthew found his mate and I saw them being lovely-dovely almost every day my heart started aching even more. Don't get me wrong- I'm honestly really happy for my best friend. I just feel lonely and it gets worse with each day and because I don't know why's this happening it pisses me off even more.

After much insistence from Matt, I gave up and agreed to go with him. It won't hurt and maybe actually something good might happen. After reaching the city I saw Matt's mate. He was with two different people but I really wasn't interested in looking at anyone, until the strong scent of cherry blossoms and honey reached my nostrils. The scent was unimaginably pure but at the same time I couldn't calm down because of it. Then I saw the person it belonged to. His thick dark hair was getting in his deep brown eyes. Adorable freckles were seen on his cheeks and nose. The boy was little, reaching my torso at most. 

"Beautiful..." my Alpha said to me. Boy's big doe Asian eyes looked at me terrified.

"Mate." I said as I began to come closer to him. The boy started to back off and quickly started running towards the forest. I didn't even notice as I started to chase after him. Though, I did not change into my wolf. I didn't want to scare him. But there's no way I'm going to let him run away. Not after 23 years of waiting. Not after I found him. Not after I smelled this delicious scent of his.

Okie dokie we have another chap;3 Hope you liked it<3

Please leave something behind and have a nice day/night!

Slightly different ~ omegaverseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें