„Half sisters. She took Amelia and left Celie and I. Never looked back. Derek, Nancy, Kathleen and Liz were already in college when I was born," I said, rather nonchalantly cause I don't have it in me to have a heart to heart conversation about this.

She just looked at me and didn't say anything.

„I'm sorry," I whispered.

„What for?"

„That you had to see this. And for not telling you about Amelia. God I feel like I say this a lot lately," I said.

„I'm, I mean I am in shock. I have so many questions but you don't have to apologize. I get it, family is messy. With what you already told me I don't blame you. I just wish I found out about this on your terms and when you're ready, not like this," she said.

„Me too," I whispered, „Alright, give me the questions."

„Why didn't you tell me Amelia was your sister?"

„Uh, same reason I didn't tell you I am a doctor. She made it, there was a way out. I didn't want you to think I didn't want an out," I said honestly.

She nodded, „You said your mother died when you were born?"

I shook my head, „We never talked about my mother. But it is possible that Emily told you that. That's what she was told, anyway. That's the official story."

„Right, she said that before I met you in that bar," JJ said.

I nodded, „I'm gonna take a shower," I said before getting up and disappearing behind the door.

(JJ's POV)

Some time ago I said I felt like I was on a rollercoaster. Well this is a whole different level. Wherever I look there's something new and it's worse every time.

I knew Francesca didn't have a normal, boring life. I expected a lot of things, we profiled a lot of mafia members. But here it's not only that, it's also her family adding up to that. I can't imagine everything she must've gone through.

I knew she had some issues. But now I'm starting to see that she must have a lot of trauma after all of that. She's definitely got more than her fair share. I am more and more amazed by the person she is right now despite all of that hatred and cruelty and violence she experienced.

I looked at Amelia, „How is she fine?"

She wiped her eyes, „Honestly? I have no idea. She's Francesca, she's always fine I guess."

„I am hurt by just witnessing what happened here," I shook my head, „What can I do? For her?"

„Just be there and be patient. She won't admit it but this was a lot even for her, seeing our mother after almost twenty years. She might spiral. Don't let her push you away, or pretend that you're letting her but keep and eye on her anyway," she said.

„I just wanna take it all away from her. I wanna make it stop," I said.

"You are. She's really happy with you, I can tell. But the spiraling never goes well, might be hard for you too," she told me.

"I can take it," I assured.

She nodded, "She left them when they were seven. We have different dads, mine died when I was a kid. She said they were evil's spawns because of theirs. He wasn't that bad when he met our mother, or he just didn't show her but when the twins were born he thought she wouldn't leave him so he showed her the real him."

"But she did leave," I said.

"Yeah," she whispered, "She took me with her and kept us away from each other. Then I got older so she couldn't keep me in the house anymore. I'd spend every second I could with them. With time I felt guilty that I was living somewhat a good life while they were," she trailed off.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now