Vigilante shit

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(Your POV)

By now my arms were chained to the ceiling, I had to play her game in order to gain control so I obeyed her, for now.

It's been almost 24 hours since I've been here. I keep thinking about what JJ might be feeling right now and I hate myself for leaving without a word like that. It was for her safety, that's what I keep reminding myself.

"What do you want from me, Cat?"

"What do you mean? Are you not enjoying our little get together? Did you not miss me?"

"I barely even know you, will you get over yourself?" I spat out.

She splashed a bucket of cold water on my face.

I coughed and then smiled at her, "That was refreshing, thanks."

She looked up at me, "How about we play a game?"

"What game?"

"I'm gonna ask you questions and for every wrong answer I'm gonna get closer and closer to shooting you, right in your pretty little face. Like a hangman except with a gun." She said excitedly. I just nodded.

"Did you love me?"

"No," I say confidently.

"Wrong answer," she took a step closer to the gun.

"It's the truth. What's the point of the game if you're not playing by the rules?" I asked her.

"Okay then. Why did you leave?"

"I just told you, I didn't love you," I repeat myself.

She took another step closer, "That's not the whole story."

"Alright, alright. I was scared, happy?"

"Is she better than me?" She asks, "I never compared her to you, I forgot you even existed," I reply.

She takes another step towards my weapon.

"That's not the answer to my question."

"Yes she is better, any way you can think of she is better."

"What's her biggest weakness?" She asked.

"She doesn't have one," another step closer.

"Everyone does," she says.

"Yeah? What's yours?" I asked her.

"You asking questions wasn't part of the game."

"Where are her kids right now?"

"I'm not telling you this," I tell her calmly.


I don't say anything and she picks up the gun.

(JJ's POV)

Emily and I were brainstorming, trying ot get inside her head while the team called the hospitals and Garcia was looking through the cameras. It was getting late and we had nothing.

"I can see her getting in a cab but she wasn't spotted by any other camera after leaving the parking garage," Garcia said with tears in her eyes.

"She knows where the cameras are, it's pointless," Luke realized.

"Did you at least get the plates?" Matt wanted to know.

She shook her head, "I'm sorry."

"It probably wouldn't get us anywhere anyway," Rossi said.

"Garcia try getting access to her files, I know I've said it wouldn't be possible but try everything you can," Emily instructed.

"On it."

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now